CJ Werleman argues that if the US President is a shape-shifting salesman, his customers bear responsibility for his deadly racism and bigotry
Ivor Gaber’s experience of the UK’s testing regime suggests that complexity and contamination may be suppressing Coronavirus numbers more than containment.
‘Test, trace and isolate’ is not working and is unlikely to work well anytime soon. With the Government failing, community medics and volunteers reveal how we can save ourselves
Paul Dempsey shows how ‘big data’ cannot replace ‘no data’ and that the UK’s centralised plan to combat the Coronavirus was flawed at the outset
Byline Times’ chief medical officer, Dr John Ashton, explores the Government’s failings in entering lockdown and now leaving it
Adrian Goldberg speaks to business owners who say their attempts to secure a Bounce Back Loan from the bank during the Coronavirus crisis has only added to their problems
David Hencke reports on how much money has been wasted on the Government’s NHSX tracing app, which it has now ditched to follow one being used by other countries for some time
Following a front page story giving a platform to JK Rowling’s abusive ex-husband by the Sun newspaper, Emma Jones speaks to campaigners about why the lives of women who have suffered domestic violence seem to be valued less in society than men’s
Byline Times’ Secret Scientist explains why science cannot provide any definitive answers at this stage on the debate around the consequences of the Government easing lockdown
Dr John Ashton, explores the Government’s failure to protect those living and working in environments which are hotbeds for the Coronavirus
Jonathan Fenton-Harvey reports on the quick response and tremendous civil mobilisation that has made the North African country COVID-19 free and able soon to reopen its borders for tourism
Mike Buckley on the failures of leadership and ideology which has led to the UK to expect the worst economic Coronavirus damage of any country in the developed world
By using herself as an example of how Britain is not a racist a country, the Home Secretary is blind to how such thinking keeps structural inequality firmly in place against others from minority communities, writes Hardeep Matharu
From economic aftershocks to social unrest, racial discrimination and healthcare inequality, Otto English predicts a pandemic will transform this century just as it did the last
Tasnim Nazeer reports on how the Government’s troubled smartphone app will only exacerbate the health inequalities exposed by the Coronavirus pandemic
Boris Johnson won an election on the promise of a deal with the EU that would be ready to go – he should stick to his word, argues Mike Buckley
CJ Werleman argues that the New Gospel figure of compassion and fairness who inspired the Civil Rights movement could help Black Lives Matter combat the Christian Right
Monica Piccinini considers how the Brazilian Government is trying to turn the Coronavirus pandemic to its advantage
Dr John Ashton, a former director of public health, warns that the Government must get back on track with its evidence base and messaging around the pandemic if it is to be prepared for a second wave.
Tom White, Ben Jacob and Crystal Ma look at how private firms and billionaire donors could benefit from the radical restructuring of universities during the Coronavirus pandemic
James Melville reports on how foresight helped Ireland fight COVID-19, while Boris Johnson’s Government wallow in hindsight and blame
Brandon Clarke explains how Jacinda Ardern’s stringent lockdown strategy means that New Zealand is now COVID-19 free and open for business
Molly Scott Cato detects a pattern in the multiple failures of the UK Government to get to grips with the Coronavirus pandemic
With one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the world, the UK has proven itself to be exceptional. But its problems go beyond shallow notions of complacency and are rooted in deep-seated structural and cultural oppression
Rupert Read and Tara Greaves on recent ONS figures that prove the much-hyped Oxford Model based on Coronavirus immunity was based on false premises
Stephen Colegrave looks at the structural failures behind Britain’s COVID-19 catastrophe from the perspective of ten years’ time
The Leader of Plaid Cymru sets out why he believes that following the Westminster Government has left Wales on the back foot in controlling COVID-19.
Public Health England’s report into risk factors associated with COVID-19 deaths has revealed the structural inequality and poverty endangering lives.
With pro-democracy protests recommencing in Hong Kong, the Financial Times’ former Asia Editor explores what China’s motives are towards the former British colony and the West.
A source deeply involved in the national effort to combat COVID-19 speaks to Byline Times.
Dr John Ashton, a former director of public health, argues that the Prime Minister’s handling of the Dominic Cummings scandal is a tipping point in the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alex Andreou’s forensic analysis shows how Boris Johnson’s administration underestimated the speed of the Coronavirus pandemic and have been flying blind ever since
The UK and US continue to sell arms to the Saudi-led coalition waging war in Yemen – a humanitarian crisis which has severely destabilised the country’s ability to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic.
Mike Buckley on why, amidst the pandemic, the public should still be kept informed of the looming deadlines over the UK’s future relationship with the EU – and whether it will be deal or ‘no deal’.
The COVID-19 pandemic has once again exposed what ‘White America’ believes to be of value in the US, argues CJ Werleman.
Otto English shares a personal story of tragedy during the lockdown which was unfolding at the same time as Dominic Cummings was conducting his Barnard Castle eye test. My family loves Easter Sunday. It marks the start of spring and who doesn’t like a party? This year, the visits from favourite relatives and friends were…
As drink sales rocket during the COVID-19 lockdown, Stephen Delahunty reports on how the reality of Britain’s dependency on alcohol is coming home.
Dr John Ashton, a former director of public health, argues that we must not miss the opportunity to modernise education in the UK and, at the same time, tackle social injustices following the Coronavirus pandemic.