Byline Times investigates the causes and consequences of Britain’s biggest recession for 30 years
The London mayor has expanded free school meals and holiday food schemes during the cost of living crisis
Huge losses in the Selby and Ainsty and Somerton and Frome by-elections are signs of a Conservative Government heading for a landslide defeat at the next general election
University workers are fighting for job security and fair pay. But docking lecturers’ pay risks worsening industrial action, UCU activist Dr Antonia Dawes writes
Charlie Duffield speaks to citizens exploring alternative ways of living as the linked crises of housing and the economy become a way of life
Anthony Yates looks at Rishi Sunak’s promises over inflation which might help him cynically suppress public pay demands but do nothing to address the roots of our economic malaise
Research shows rising finances are really impacting this group, but what support is available?
The Labour leader is missing a once in a generation chance to set out much-needed radical reforms for a broken nation, argues his former advisor Simon Fletcher
Buried in the Chancellor’s Statement is news the UK will suffer a sustained period of low growth, high taxes and a record-breaking fall in living standards, reports Adam Bienkov
After the criticism of MPs for second jobs, Andrew Kersley reports on the expenses they claim for second homes
New data has revealed the barriers single parents face in getting back to work, while rates of in-work poverty exposes Tory ‘myth’ that work is the route to riches, Sian Norris reports
New ONS data reveals how cold homes and food insecurity is impacting people’s physical and emotional health
New data from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals the extent of poverty in families
The debt mountain according to the latest official figures is now a billion pounds higher than at the start of the pandemic, reports Chaminda Jayanetti
The NHS is being burdened by the scale of Britain’s health inequalities, reports Sam Bright
From arriving in the UK with nowhere to turn, to falling through the cracks and sleeping rough, Byline Times looks at the experiences of migrant people who are homeless
New data shows the number of people going without food has increased by 100% since before the pandemic, with health outcomes for the poorest households worsening
As temperatures drop, turkeys are added to shopping lists, and letters to Santa are written, how are people coping during a winter of inflation and financial hardship? Sian Norris reports
Thiemo Fetzer, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, argues that the Government’s response to the energy crisis is wasting a unique opportunity
Sian Norris speaks to two students living in Bristol about the impact of rising costs on their studies and wellbeing
Households with ‘no recourse to public funds’ due to their immigration status will not be eligible for state help to alleviate rising costs
The UK’s rigged energy market will do little to restrain the cost of living crisis or promote renewables, says Thomas Perrett
Rachel Morris looks at the ideological underpinning and likely real-world effects of Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn statement and sees Britain heading down a road to nowhere
New Government data shows how deaths of homeless people – including to Coronavirus – continues to rise. Sian Norris reports
Martin Shaw unpicks the motives and the structural economic forces behind the Chancellor’s decision to further inflate household energy costs
Ellie Newis and Sian Norris report on the extent and impact of child poverty as Britain continues to grapple with the cost of living crisis
Sian Norris digs into the data on a decade of cuts, assessing its impact on people and public services, as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt lines up Austerity 2.0
With the Government facing a massive shortfall in its finances, MPs report on how billions were lost by the Treasury during the time the current Prime Minister was Chancellor
Council tax would need to rise by 20% to save urgently-needed public services, but how will Jeremy Hunt respond in his autumn statement?
Tamsin Flower looks into the ‘poverty’ of data on poverty and how thousands of low-income households could be left without the recognition and aid they most need
The Prime Minister’s colleagues are starting to wonder whether Sunak’s Californian corporate sheen conceals an empty vessel, reports Adam Bienkov
The cost of living crisis is putting women’s and children’s lives at risk, as victims and survivors of domestic abuse are forced to choose between safety and destitution, Sian Norris reports
Rishi Sunak’s Government is populated by a number of advisors drawn from corporations and Tufton Street ‘think tanks’, reports Sam Bright
UK healthcare spending has burgeoned by £50 billion since the pandemic, the same figure as the Government’s mysterious fiscal ‘black hole’, reports Sam Bright
With the cost of living crisis pushing up rents and Local Housing Allowance frozen since 2020, more and more of the poorest private tenants are struggling to make ends meet
Past evidence shows the damage that spending cuts can create – even in Conservative strongholds
With the Government getting ready for austerity 2.0, Sian Norris reflects on the impact previous cuts to local government had on public health
MPs have raised serious concerns that the criminal justice system cannot cope with the increase in fraud cases – with fraud now making up 40% of reported crime. Sian Norris reports
Sian Norris returns to the town where her family once lived to learn how the cost of living crisis is impacting the lives of ordinary people and their communities in north Wales
The Conservative Party’s decision to ‘cut the green crap’ has had far-reaching consequences, writes Thomas Perrett