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The established media has been determined to stir up concerns that XR’s big four-day action will disrupt the London Marathon, writes Stephen Colegrave
Stephen Colegrave reports on worrying research from the University of Birmingham who surveyed 465 junior doctors about their mental health
After the scandal of crony contracts, Stephen Colegrave digs into the Government’s Green Paper setting out a new regime to regulate nearly £300 billion in public spending
Stephen Colegrave investigates why Medscape indicates the UK has had so many more health worker deaths that elsewhere
Stephen Colegrave delves into the dark colonial past and historic human cost of the products Brits can’t seem to live without
Stephen Colegrave investigates the shortlist for a prestigious healthcare whistleblowing award and finds serious shortcomings in those picked for the prize
How and why did management consultancies and outsourcing become an essential arm of government?
As the latest United Nations nuclear treaty is on the eve of coming into force, Stephen Colegrave looks at how it might finally end the ethical and moral case for nuclear weapons
Stephen Colegrave looks into the case of NHS whistleblower Paul, who was let down by his hospital trust and worse still by the NHS regulators there to protect the public
Stephen Colegrave considers the importance and potential outcome of the Climate Assembly UK report published today
Stephen Colegrave begins a new Byline Times series on the people exposing wrongdoing in public life by considering the implications of Brexit on the protections provided to UK whistleblowers
Beyond the rhetoric, Stephen Colegrave produces nine examples of the UK Prime Minister’s lack of care for the NHS in its time of greatest need
With more than $10 trillion of investment planned around the world in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Stephen Colegrave considers whether this money can be used to halt climate change
COVID-19 signals the end of Boomer dominance over business, culture and the economy, writes Stephen Colegrave
From childbirth to deaths in custody, homelessness and mental health, Stephen Colegrave shows how the UK is not “one of the best countries in the world to be a black person” – as the Government claims
Stephen Colegrave looks at the structural failures behind Britain’s COVID-19 catastrophe from the perspective of ten years’ time
Drawing on his experience working on political campaigns and advising governments, Stephen Colegrave sees a bleak future for the Prime Minister after his handling of COVID-19
Stephen Colegrave investigates the huge gulf between Britain and many other countries in the number of health worker COVID-19 fatalities.
Stephen Colegrave reports on how COVID-19 only intensifies the disparity of wealth, health and opportunity that is driving the UK apart.
Stephen Colegrave compares the failure to prepare for the mental health impact of COVID-19, especially on the young, to the Government’s neglect of care homes.
Stephen Colegrave investigates whether the NHS Volunteer Responders scheme is working and discovers an amazing array of local and community initiatives.
Stephen Colegrave gains new insight into his mother’s diaries about her time in isolation with Scarlet fever during her wartime evacuation in Scotland.
Stephen Colegrave on why using austerity to justify the right-wing claim that the ‘cure is worse than the disease’ is so damaging in the fight against the Coronavirus.
Stephen Colegrave reports on why two NHS doctors have written to Boris Johnson with their recommendation that only mass testing can now prevent a significant number of COVID-19 deaths in the UK.
Stephen Colegrave investigates whether the new UK Government support package is going to help the working population or just prop up big business.
As a former consultant to the Department of Health, Stephen Colegrave explains how premature deaths are under-recorded and demands full transparency over government scientific advice.
Stephen Colegrave considers why today’s EU announcement about sustainable products is an essential first step to combatting our disposable culture.
Stephen Colegrave uncovers a family secret and realises how easy it is to whitewash our slavery roots.
Stephen Colegrave reports on the patriotic fervour and local pride in Grimsby on the day before Britain leaves the EU on 31 January 2-2020.
Stephen Colegrave considers how a birthday present of a refurbished Anglepoise lamp presents a guide to how we can create a more sustainable world.
Stephen Colegrave, former marketing director of Saatchi and Saatchi, explains why the Mad Men world of marketing must die.
Stephen Colegrave delves into the Prime Minister’s empathy gap and why it will inevitably let down the Conservative Party’s new northern voters.
Stephen Colegrave looks at how Boris Johnson’s determination to make Brexit a success is in danger of increasing inequality and social problems in Britain on a scale not seen before.
Stephen Colegrave on a new report into the prevalence of anti-Muslim statements throughout all levels of Boris Johnson’s party.