Campaigners hope a proposed new law could bring an end to a system that puts vulnerable people into even more danger
The economy is the most important issue for voters in the US Presidential Elections, with 40 million people living below the poverty line and new homelessness records being set.
The Prime Minister and his wife’s personal wealth rose to £651 million amid the biggest fall in living standards for British people since records began
Activists in Cornwall say the scheme – while welcome – will barely touch the sides as 23,000 languish on a council waiting list
The Prime Minister’s belated rush to clear his legacy asylum backlog is forcing refugees into destitution on Glasgow’s freezing streets, reports Nicola Kelly
The Home Secretary believes homeless people live in tents on the streets of this country as a ‘lifestyle choice’. She needs to take a closer, compassionate look…
The Prime Minister’s flimsy new government programme suggests he leads a Government that is fresh out of ideas
Staff of St Mungo’s charity have begun an indefinite strike over pay, following allegations of a ‘25 minute shouting match’ at union reps by CEO Emma Haddad
Andrew Kersley speaks to a man awaiting the bailiffs as campaigners warn that cuts to housing services are leaving vulnerable people desperately unsupported
The PM’s tabloid-pleasing ‘War on Yobs’ will only worsen problems in crime-hit communities, writes former Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Nick Pettigrew
Manasa Narayanan speaks to people who are homeless, surviving on Westminster’s streets in the shadow of Parliament
Stefan Simanowitz explains how an old idea of neighbourly sharing has blossomed into a cold-weather initiative that has spread through grassroots support
The threat of abuse constantly lurks in the homeless community, with virtually no recourse for those affected
The 200-year-old Vagrancy Act is still being used to arrest and fine people sleeping on the streets of Northern Ireland, despite it being repealed in the rest of the UK
In November 2020, Priti Patel made rough sleeping grounds for deportation. Samir Jeraj spent a year with the Museum of Homelessness as part of a project to push-back against the policy
Jonathan Fenton-Harvery reports on the destruction of Europe’s largest refugee camp and argues it exposes the region’s lack of humanity towards those fleeing war
If the success of a government is judged by how it treats the most vulnerable in society, our decade-long Conservative Government has utterly failed, argues James Melville.
The deputy chief executive of the Lankelly Chase foundation outlines the findings of its new research exploring how disadvantages might manifest differently in the lives of women.
Iwan Doherty investigates how businesses profit from poverty and billions are invested to increase indebtedness.
The knighthood for Iain Duncan Smith shows the disdain of the ruling class for the most vulnerable people in society, argues Natalie Bloomer
With Conservative landlords profiting from homelessness, Iwan Doherty explains how the Labour Party takes inspiration from Finland
Natalie Bloomer explains a personal experience which convinced her that journalism and campaigning can mix – and that Sally Keeble is best placed to become Northampton North’s next MP.
Canadian Drew B explains his experience of sleeping rough in London and his battle on the streets against being deported.
Chris Grayling’s 2013 cuts slashed the legal aid budget by a third – £751 million. Jon Robins examines the toll this is taking on people’s everyday lives.
Jon Robins sets out how the erosion of ‘access to justice’ for huge swathes of social welfare law is having a very real impact on poverty in the UK
Homeless people risk being banned from their local train station under an increasingly used order called a Withdrawal of Implied Permission (WIP).
Thousands of homeless people have been turned away from London’s flagship No Second Night Out (NSNO) scheme in recent years, Byline Times can reveal.