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A damning new report exposes the scandalously slow pace of removing all the flammable cladding still wrapped around thousands of flats across the UK
The economy is the most important issue for voters in the US Presidential Elections, with 40 million people living below the poverty line and new homelessness records being set.
Kingspan was slammed as ‘deeply entrenched and persistently dishonesty’ in the Grenfell Inquiry but has been kept on in ‘sustainable’ investment portfolios
“‘Lessons learned’ is an entirely vacuous phrase if lessons aren’t being learned” warns new report after a series of deadly warnings were ignored
Young people leaving care in England are losing their right to local authority housing – because they’re trying to better themselves at university
The Labour leader’s new six ‘first steps’ for Government reveal a lot about the kind of administration he plans to lead
The London Borough of Newham has the highest number of households staying in temporary accommodation in the country. For every 1,000 households, 53 are in temporary accommodation. The London average is 17
Despite the Conservatives pledging to get rid of no-fault evictions in 2019 landlords are using it in record numbers with a 28% increase in 2023
The first quarter of 2024 has seen a fourfold increase in tenants investigating how to notify landlords of their intention to strike
Conservative backbenchers, many of whom are landlords, are trying to abolish schemes which reveal much higher rates of disrepair
Andrew Kersley reports on the massive profits being made by the hotel tycoon dubbed the ‘Asylum King’.
The allegations come as one in three renters say private renting is negatively impacting their mental health – with eviction threats looming in many cases
Activists in Cornwall say the scheme – while welcome – will barely touch the sides as 23,000 languish on a council waiting list
The High Court ruled against Croydon Council in relation to its treatment of a disabled asylum seeker.
A blaze in a West London block of flats last week reveals how the leasehold system is still putting lives at risk, writes Labour MP Barry Gardiner
A legal settlement between various parties and the families of Grenfell victims suggests where the responsibility for the 2017 fire actually lies
The Prime Minister’s flimsy new government programme suggests he leads a Government that is fresh out of ideas
Clearsprings received the most complaints of any company providing asylum seeker accommodation. It is privately owned by a Conservative Party Donor
Exclusive new polling finds voters are not convinced by the Prime Minister’s party conference claim to represent ordinary people’s concerns, Adam Bienkov reports
The lax management of the UK companies register allows fake businesses to proliferate
Suella Braverman plans to end inspection of this lucrative market as complaints mount about conditions
The Government’s commitment to build more homes, while protecting wildlife from deadly pollutants is “failing to deliver for either side”
Grace Oppong told Byline Times that her daughter has been repeatedly hospitalised due to mould and damp
Student housing has never been known for its quality but, in recent years, the system has been pushed to breaking point
he NHBC is the country’s largest building control inspector says it is ” independent of Government and the construction industry”. But its corporate affairs team has strong links to the Conservative Party
Landlords and freeholders can pass on their legal costs onto leaseholders who are still waiting for reform of an ‘obscene’ feudal system
The UK’s 13 biggest housing associations paid their executives over £22m with bosses earning almost double the average for the UK’s biggest charities
Renters in the capital are encountering controversial practices as the housing crisis worsens, writes our Chief Reporter
Politicians, landlords and the media have celebrated the financialisation of domestic property. But as the housing crisis deepens, what happened to the basic human right?
The G15 housing associations have been the subject of constant scandals in the past two years over the poor quality of their homes
As legislation is introduced to end Section 21 evictions, Lauren Crosby Medlicott talks to tenants who live in constant fear of homelessness Back in 2019, the government promised to ban Section 21 no-fault evictions, a move that would guarantee a landlord would no longer be able to evict a tenant from their tenancy without a…
Charlie Duffield speaks to citizens exploring alternative ways of living as the linked crises of housing and the economy become a way of life
Andrew Kersley speaks to a man awaiting the bailiffs as campaigners warn that cuts to housing services are leaving vulnerable people desperately unsupported
Tom Charles reports on a proposal by Kensington and Chelsea Council to redevelop one of the last standing community spaces in the borough
A year after the Russian invasion, Manasa Narayanan reports on the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme and the challenges still being faced by hosts and refugees alike
‘Gypsies and Travellers are forced to live in areas that no other ethnic group would be expected to live’ – Katharine Quarmby reports
Rishi Sunak ‘needs to deal with the issue of moonlighting MPs once and for all’ the Labour Party told Byline Times
From arriving in the UK with nowhere to turn, to falling through the cracks and sleeping rough, Byline Times looks at the experiences of migrant people who are homeless
An exclusive investigation by Sian Norris reveals the ‘national disgrace’ of council tenants struggling with mould
A council has refused a family homelessness support as they are satisfied the mother has accommodation in a country riven by conflict and violence, Sian Norris reports
Manasa Narayanan speaks to people who are homeless, surviving on Westminster’s streets in the shadow of Parliament