The Government is accused of failing to rule out new fossil fuel projects, and in some cases potentially cheering them on, in updated national plan
Chris Grey disentangles the myriad alarming claims being made about ‘special economic zones’ and freeports in order to focus on the real risks
As a community book seller loses her unique shop in Shepherd’s Bush Market, Iain Overton looks at the broader struggles facing London’s historic markets, facing the juggernaut of modern development.
Cultural vandalism takes many forms, writes Josiah Mortimer
Tom Charles reports on a proposal by Kensington and Chelsea Council to redevelop one of the last standing community spaces in the borough
Josiah Mortimer speaks to one of many “failed” applicants still reeling from the latest Levelling Up bidding war.
The Government’s housing and construction plans are failing to deliver the country’s housing needs, a new parliamentary report has found
Claire Hamlett unpicks the Government schemes that are obstructing the UK’s net zero ambitions
Julian Mercer investigates more flaws in the Government’s housing policy, which seeks to build new homes for 80,000 ‘ghosts’ and ignores the impact of Brexit
The Communities Secretary is once again using the Towns Fund plan to shore up Tory seats – including £50 million to his own constituency, reports David Hencke
Julian Mercer reports on the Government’s latest botched attempts to solve the UK’s housing crisis
Stuart Spray reports on a move that threatens to betray the UK’s carbon commitments
Vulnerable wildlife is collateral damage in the Prime Minister’s economic vision for Britain, writes Stuart Spray
Stuart Spray has the details of HS2’s latest attempt to defile the British countryside
Julian Mercer continues his investigation into the erroneous calculations underpinning the Government’s house building programme
Julian Mercer analyses the misguided policy of successive governments of building too many new houses, but not creating any more homes
Chris Sullivan looks at the consequences for Notting Hill of the determination of successive Conservative Governments to deregulate rents and planning
Chris Sullivan delves into the history of one of Britain’s first successful multicultural communities and the authorities determined to destroy it
John Sweeney investigates the Minister’s ties, not only to Richard Desmond and his alleged run-in with the New York Mafia, but to a law firm that worked for Vladimir Putin’s favoured oligarchs