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Almost half of voters in the 251 seats lost by the Conservatives in the 2024 General Election believed that the Government should not have abandoned its net zero policy commitments
Ministers’ failure to properly monitor nitrogen pollution in our waterways is effectively encouraging further breaches of environmental law by farmers and big business, reports Thomas Perrett
Polling of so-called ‘Red Wall’ Constituencies shows those voters that abandoned Labour in 2019 are now returning to the fold
As the climate crisis worsens, our politicians are increasingly giving in to the demands of corporate lobbyists
The UAE, reliant on producing and exporting heavily polluting fuels, is likely to oppose the transformative measures required to incentivise nations to move away from new oil and gas production
Labour’s abandonment of its green prosperity plan is emblematic of an economy that has slumped to the bottom of the G7 in mobilising investment
Is it any surprise Conservative politicians and media rush to back North Sea gas and oil given their funding?
OECD countries are continuing to pour tens of billions of pounds into fossil fuel projects, despite their obligations to switch to clean energy sources
Britain is ‘strikingly unprepared’ to face the escalating consequences of inadequate action on climate change
Thomas Perrett explores how factory farming and agribusiness industries have successfully lobbied politicians, advocating against carbon taxes and biodiversity targets
Prolonged inaction on climate change has left those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder exposed to the fluctuations of an unpredictable global market, writes Thomas Perrett
Europe has helped to create the conditions for ecological breakdown but is accepting fewer and fewer victims of it through migration says Thomas Perrett
Rishi Sunak’s new list of green announcements merely shows how far the UK has fallen behind other nations on reaching Net Zero, reports Thomas Perrett
Pressures of decarbonisation and evolving international markets could lead to a significant slump in its competitiveness, writes Thomas Perrett
Thomas Perrett looks at the Whitehall changes over environmental policy, and sees a lot of deckchairs being re-arranged which fail to address the climate emergency
The climate crisis is at the top of young people’s agenda but political parties are failing to meet their concerns. Is electoral reform the only hope of change?
The Financial Services and Markets Bill risks wrecking the UK’s commitment to net zero, writes Thomas Perrett
Thomas Perrett reports on the new methods used by big energy associations to influence the media and those in power
Big energy companies are piling money into increasingly inefficient oil and gas investments, reports Thomas Perrett
Influential agribusiness monopolists and food producers appear to be cynically using the war in Ukraine and the aftermath of the pandemic to exert political influence, writes Thomas Perrett
Approving Britain’s first coal mine in 30 years will reap negligible economic benefits and cause significant environmental damage – but the decision was taken for reasons closer to home for the Tories, writes Thomas Perrett
Thousands of academic staff have had to accept sub-standard working conditions and casualised contracts as politicians have attempted to alter the purpose of the education system, writes Thomas Perrett
The UK’s rigged energy market will do little to restrain the cost of living crisis or promote renewables, says Thomas Perrett
COP27 has exposed the hypocrisy of world leaders who refuse to acknowledge it is incumbent on wealthier nations to invest in worldwide climate adaptation, writes Thomas Perrett
A series of geopolitical events have provided an opportunity for energy lobbyists to bend the ears of power, reports Thomas Perrett
Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ fundamentally restructured the UK economy – bidding up asset prices and pushing down wages and living standards, writes Thomas Perrett
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken an already precarious consensus on climate action, says Thomas Perrett
The Conservative Party’s decision to ‘cut the green crap’ has had far-reaching consequences, writes Thomas Perrett
Liz Truss’ regime has already picked its losers, says Thomas Perrett
Debilitating cuts have reduced regulators’ role in safeguarding the natural environment and stymied the Government’s approach to net zero, reports Thomas Perrett
A worrying environmental record and the appointment of climate change sceptics to the Cabinet doesn’t bode well for the UK’s climate commitments under the new Prime Minister, argues Thomas Perrett
Thomas Perrett tracks the administrative missteps that have incubated the current energy crisis
Thomas Perrett unpicks the proposal to achieve ‘net zero aviation’ by 2050 – and the gap it falls into between rhetoric and reality
Thomas Perrett unpicks the Kingdom’s plan to build a 100-mile-long, $500 billion ‘smart city’
With the UK heading for recession, the two remaining candidates to become Britain’s next Prime Minister are committed to the same failed economic theories that created the current crisis, writes Thomas Perrett
The next Prime Minister looks set to sabotage the UK’s response to climate change, reports Thomas Perrett
Thomas Perrett considers the reasons for the shock demise of Marvin Rees’ position, and whether this spells danger for the city-mayor model
Thomas Perrett explores how the current cost of living crisis has spurred a new wave of Thatcherite economics
Thomas Perrett unpicks why the Conservative Party is considering rebooting the long-discredited housing policy
Thomas Perrett explores how the Government has opened the door to an assault on the UK’s climate change targets