It blows a hole in the party’s claim to have ‘fixed the roof while the sun is shining’
There is a looming crisis of growing special needs requirements and threatened council bankruptcies, according to a damning new report by MPs
Hysteria around Labour’s VAT on private schools and inheritance tax on farms are not the existential threats they’ve been made out to be in the press
The prestigious university is resisting demands for fair treatment from casualised staff, despite its vast wealth
The next generation cannot take forward the peace process if they continue to be subject to segregation and reinforced division that defined previous generations, argues Emma DeSouza
The University overruled its temporary ban on fossil fuel cash with a new policy which could see it take multi-million-pound gifts from the industry
Councils are struggling to cope with a huge rise in demand while standards in reading, writing, and mathematics have either stagnated or fallen during the past decade
‘There has been a lack of sustained progress by government in reducing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers’, a new report by the National Audit Office has found
Alton School is closing due to a “continued decline in pupil numbers” and years of financial challenges, yet the closure is being reported in connection with Labour plans to introduce a 20% VAT levy on private school fees
A new report by the Public Accounts Committee found that a lack of government oversight of the system is leaving it open to significant amounts of fraud
The CEO of the Islamophobia Response Unit sets out the significance of the High Court’s ruling being made in a very specific context of one school’s strict behavioural regime
Karam Bales examines the close links between the FSU, the Office for Students and the Government’s drive to legislate on freedom of speech
Becoming Prime Minister wasn’t the first significant position Sunak was handed – Winchester College taught him a thing or two about prestige without power, writes Richard Beard
There is mounting evidence that the fossil fuel industry is involved in an extensive disinformation campaign
Leicestershire School Heads have opened their books to parents showing them just how much they are struggling
With its fourth former staff member charged with the sexual abuse of children in recent years, Byline Times delves into the dark past of Britain’s most famous – and troubled – private school
In the wake of Lord Melvyn Bragg’s House of Lords debate on the vital importance of the arts to the UK’s society and economy, composer Howard Goodall makes an urgent call for the Government to rethink its proposed further reduction of resources for musical education
Severe cramp from work must be reported to the safety regulator – but not work-related suicides. Campaigners want action beyond Ofsted reform
Iain Overton examines the dreadful record of sexual abuse in boarding schools and asks whether the conditions which allowed historic assaults to flourish are now being addressed
England was the last of the four nations to require masks in schools following heavy resistance from the then Prime Minister and Education Secretary
The culture wars rumble on in British education with a combination of opaquely funded think tanks and activist groups influencing Government policy
Effie Webb reports on how radically the academic landscape has changed, in a short space of time, through AI and remote learning
UK higher education qualifications have been suspended from the European quality standards body because of the way the Office for Students was regulating universities.
A majority of voters believe “nothing in Britain really works” and say Rishi Sunak’s party has made public services worse, according to an exclusive new poll
The collapsing school buildings scandal has exposed how the Government failed to ‘fix the roof while the sun was shining’
Ministers’ claims that the school building scandal only emerged ‘over the summer’ is contradicted by evidence of warnings going back years
Student housing has never been known for its quality but, in recent years, the system has been pushed to breaking point
The focus on ‘language’ policing by the arbiters of educational standards exacerbates class and racial inequalities argues a new report
How is a shopping site operating in the UK able to market knives seemingly at school kids without sanction? Katherine Denkinson investigates.
The current spate of industrial action is the symptom of a deeper malaise revealed by the pandemic: a Government apathetic to the plight of teachers
Lecturers and students are upset about remarks preferring ‘pain along the way’ over industrial action
Byline Times delves into the Michaela Community School and its key backers.
Byline Times investigates the financial and ideological links surrounding the Michaela School, delving into their potential impact on educational policies and practices.
Byline Times investigates a small but vocal “anti-anti fascist” group that is increasingly targeting the left.
A new report by the National Audit Office sounds the alarm on the state of school buildings requiring major refurbishment
New research by Byline Times reveals that billionaire oil magnate Charles Koch – behind hundreds of millions in annual donations promoting climate science disinformation and right-wing causes in the US – has been contributing to academic research in UK institutions
Was the UK trying to use schools to “booster” infections in the early days of the Coronavirus pandemic? Did teachers suffer? There is little data to prove either way
University workers are fighting for job security and fair pay. But docking lecturers’ pay risks worsening industrial action, UCU activist Dr Antonia Dawes writes
A striking teacher talks to Josiah Mortimer about what the pay crisis looks like on the ground in a Cornish secondary school
Unions have described the exchanges between former Health Secretary Matt Hancock and former Education Secretary Gavin Williamson as “sneering” and “ugly”, reports Sian Norris