This is a real time petri dish experiment on how to transform Britain’s education system, argues Neal Lawson
By ripping out his party’s ideological roots in exchange for power, the Labour leader’s premiership has been left deeply vulnerable to the coming storm, argues Neal Lawson
Prioritising growth over all other considerations will only widen economic inequality and deepen already cavernous social crises, argues Neal Lawson
The Labour Government is heading for an electoral reckoning unless it backs a more proportional voting system, argues Neal Lawson
The Prime Minister’s new target-driven ‘Plan for Change’ is based on a badly outdated view of how the modern world actually works, argues Neal Lawson
The UK Government is dominated by figures from a discredited past at a time of radical global change, argues Neal Lawson
The UK needs a revolution in the way politics and democracy works – starting with proportional representation, writes Neal Lawson
“We’ve heard a lot in the campaign about D-Day. If ever there was a time to fight them on the beaches, then this is it.”