EXCLUSIVE: The Information Commissioner rebuked the Conservatives after they sent out thousands of leaflets which tricked voters into handing over their personal data
Zoë Garbett on a tense London mayoral race, how the Greens plan to push Sadiq Khan, and how she got her seat
The Conservative candidate against London Mayor Sadiq Khan joined a series of events with the extreme anti-ULEZ campaigner
The Conservative campaign in London has been accused of more ‘underhand’ campaign tactics
The Conservative candidate for London Mayor has been very vocal about council tax hikes – but in 2023 she voted to raise Harrow’s by more than 5%
Several senior Labour figures have publicly rejected calls for rent controls, leaving the London Mayor in a tricky spot
The re-standing London Mayor has pledged to lobby for the reversal of the Conservative’s controversial election changes he claims are designed to benefit PM Sunak’s party.
The Conservatives are seeking to overturn the London Mayor’s flagship clean air scheme, despite being more than 20 points behind him in the race for City Hall.
Labour is set to unveil details of its plans to devolve more powers away from Westminster
‘I’m sick to death of this idea that Jews think in a singular way’ one Jewish Londoner responded to Government adviser Robin Simcox
“How exactly are you helping by increasing your part of council tax?” Susan Hall once asked Mayor Sadiq Khan
The £1.2 billion tunnel is arguably the biggest infrastructure project Khan has approved – but he rarely brings it up
The High Court ruled against Croydon Council in relation to its treatment of a disabled asylum seeker.
Hall previously liked a string of tweets praising ‘rivers of blood’ MP Enoch Powell and branding the capital “Londonistan” under Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.
The London mayor has expanded free school meals and holiday food schemes during the cost of living crisis
Tottenham Tories have falsely claimed the murder rate in London is higher than New York.
New polling shows the Conservatives are set to lose big to Sadiq Khan in next year’s London mayoral election, despite Sunak’s attempts to weaponise, anti-green, anti-ULEZ votes
The Lib Dem politician says he’ll take on Suella Braverman’s Home Office
The heavily-publicised protests were not quite the grassroots movement the right-wing press made them out to be
The endorsement thrusts her campaign into the centre of a debate about empire in what is a proudly multicultural city
Huge losses in the Selby and Ainsty and Somerton and Frome by-elections are signs of a Conservative Government heading for a landslide defeat at the next general election
‘Has he met her recently?’ Byline Times asked. ‘Not that I’m aware of, no’, the Prime Minister’s press secretary told this newspaper
Sadiq Khan has faced relentless flak for the Ultra Low Emissions Zone. But it wasn’t his idea.
In the run up to the Uxbridge by-election, the Conservative Party appears to be passing off a councillor as an ordinary member of the public
Boris Johnson’s new job at the Daily Mail is the perfect example of how failure is rewarded in British political and media life.
Renters in the capital are encountering controversial practices as the housing crisis worsens, writes our Chief Reporter
Kids in one of London’s poorest boroughs, Newham, are struggling to breathe. So why is the London Mayor pushing ahead with a new road tunnel that could make the situation even worse?
Tom Charles reports on a proposal by Kensington and Chelsea Council to redevelop one of the last standing community spaces in the borough
Josiah Mortimer reports on a family’s campaign for change at company Bolt
FairFuel UK is leading the charge against the Labour mayor’s expansion of the Ultra Low Emissions Zone – which will hit the most polluting vehicles including trucks and lorries
Pekka Kallioniemi assesses the Kremlin’s effective use of energy and financial dependency as part of its playbook shaping European politics
A London council has produced an “unprecedented” strategy to reallocate a quarter of kerbside space to sustainable uses, reports Claire Hamlett
The overwhelming majority of police forces have seen a deterioration in recent years, reveals Andrew Kersley
Composer Howard Goodall unpicks Art Council England’s announcement that it will be redistributing £50 million of funding for the English National Opera outside of London and the south-east
PC Jonathon Cobban is still on the Metropolitan Police’s payroll, reveals Sascha Lavin
Boris Johnson’s flagship regional redistribution project has stalled and Liz Truss is likely to send it into reverse, writes Sam Bright
The Conservative frontrunner’s belief that Londoners simply “graft” harder than people outside the capital does not stand up against evidence on regional inequalities, says Sam Bright
Despite the warm words of Truss and Sunak, Boris Johnson’s flagship policy is set for the scrapheap, contends Sam Bright
As the nation nears the three year mark of Johnson’s Government, it’s time to be honest about the collapse of his flagship project, says Sam Bright
Labour’s local election performance spells danger for the party, argues Sam Bright
The Conservative Party is refusing to deal with the Prime Minister’s failing leadership as he leads the UK into a recession which could expel him from office, reports Adam Bienkov
The claim that the Prime Minister has shown Churchillian solidarity with Ukraine does not stand up to scrutiny, says Sam Bright