The contrast between Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon is driving Scotland towards independence, argues James Melville and Kat Cary
Otto English compiles the epic accomplishments of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, during his first year as Prime Minister
As the EU’s chief negotiator warns of a ‘no-deal’ crash-out, Jonathan Lis assesses whether the chaos is a villainous plot or pure incompetence
Sam Bright tracks the rise of Topham Guerin, the New Zealand ‘propaganda pair’ in charge of the UK Government’s online Coronavirus communications
Jon Bailes considers how free we really are under the free market system and whether the Coronavirus crisis will have revealed this to the public with far-reaching consequences
The abuses in Leicester’s fast fashion factories were known for years before COVID-19 highlighted them again. So why was nothing done?
Stephen Delahunty reports on the Government handing a contract for personal protective equipment to a company which appears to have just £322 net assets
Paul Niland explores how a sudden, wilful populist destruction of institutions dragged the two top-rated countries for global health emergencies to the bottom of the pile
The UK Government’s response to COVID-19 has consistently been punctuated by fatal delays, writes Sam Bright.
COVID-19 is accelerating the attempts of big tech companies to harvest our data, writes Tanya O’Carroll.
Mike Buckley considers how the country’s economy has ended up in such a perilous state and where it goes from here
Mike Buckley argues that the UK may have the freedom Brexiters promised, but no idea what is in its best economic interests
Analysis of new documents from the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies shows that the quest for herd immunity, through several waves of the Coronavirus over a number of years, has not gone away
CJ Werleman explores the economic and social consequences of the US Government’s mismanagement of the Coronavirus crisis for the next President
New figures further expose the UK Government’s failure on health worker deaths as Boris Johnson tries to pin the blame on their profession
With mounting scandals and inconsistencies over the Government’s handling of COVID-19, Stephen Colegrave and Peter Jukes have compiled a list of its biggest falsehoods so far
Following the Chancellor’s lifeline in funding for the culture and heritage sectors, Stephen Unwin considers whether this will usher in a real ‘levelling-up’ of the arts across the country
Stephen Komarnyckyj investigates the Brexit effect and how Britain bypassed normal calls for competition in its extraordinary purchasing binge
Stephen Colegrave and Sam Bright explore new Government figures showing that ‘Pillar 2’ COVID-19 testing has fallen steeply in recent days as problems persist
COVID-19 signals the end of Boomer dominance over business, culture and the economy, writes Stephen Colegrave
Sam Bright highlights new data showing that industrial heartlands are suffering disproportionately from the Coronavirus pandemic
Byline Times’ chief medical officer, Dr John Ashton, looks at the lost opportunity to create a ‘new normal’ that would result in a real redefining of our public realm
A collective statement from Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Brains Trust’ with proposals on how to tackle climate chaos after COVID-19
One article smearing Muslims reveals the depths to which journalists and editors have sunk, writes Brian Cathcart
Adrian Goldberg reports the murky background as the Championship team goes into administration in the ‘casino culture’ of the modern game
CJ Werleman considers the effect on the reputation of the superpower following the President’s mishandling of the Coronavirus crisis, which has seen the US become the worst-hit country in the world
The third part of Nafeez Ahmed’s investigation shows how public health was sacrificed to ideology as the lockdown was eased
Nafeez Ahmed investigates how the adoption of the outlandish policy, which would have led to half a million deaths, coincided with the presence of Boris Johnson’s controversial chief advisor
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the outside pressure weighed on SAGE to prioritise ‘supply chains’, the ‘wider economy’, ‘workforce’ and ‘business’
After a comprehensive investigation into five months of SAGE documents Nafeez Ahmed arrives at some shocking findings
Stephen Delahunty reports on another case of a private company with no expertise or experience providing personal protective equipment being engaged by the Government to do so
Monica Piccinini investigates the impact of COVID-19 and President Bolsonaro’s policies on the indigenous peoples of Brazil
With lockdown restrictions being eased, how can people make ‘common sense’ decisions around the Coronavirus risk in their area if accurate data is being kept from them?
Byline Times’ Secret Scientist considers the paradoxical scientific ambition of the Prime Minister and his complete disregard for science itself
Byline Times’ chief medical officer Dr John Ashton considers why and how the Government is so keen to return to ‘business as usual’
With a historic depression looming and millions of jobs at risk, Mike Buckley argues that now is the time to do more than echo the words of the President who rescued the US from the Great Depression
Saniya More speaks to health workers in Kolhapur to find out how they are preventing community-wide Coronavirus infections with little money