The Byline Times team reports on the ever-mounting investigations into the Government’s actions during the pandemic
New research shows that England and Wales saw the biggest reduction in life expectancy after the US between 2019-21, while the life expectancy of the poorest continues to drop
In Scotland, parents and politicians alike are calling for air filters to improve school ventilation – as classrooms show higher than recommended levels of CO2, Sian Norris reports
From mental health services to tuition fees, the Government has damaged the welfare and prosperity of the next generation, writes Daisy Steinhardt
CJ Werleman reviews a new Australian National University report, providing horrific new details of China’s abuse of political prisoners
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the UK has been failing to fully protect frontline staff from the pandemic, and is now trying to deny its culpability
‘A’ level students Thomas Heath and Tom Marshall expose the Department for Education’s data-free approach to the impact of COVID-19 on learning
The National Audit Office has produced more shocking statistics on the £13 billion of contracts awarded to personal protective equipment suppliers, reports Sam Bright
The end of free lateral flow tests will cost NHS staff extra cash each month – while councils warn that they need more funding to manage COVID-19 outbreaks and the poorest risk not being able to test at all
Published in the minutes following the Chancellor’s Spring Statement, the Office for Budget Responsibility’s fiscal forecast raises alarm over post-pandemic health pressures
The National Audit Office points out significant transparency holes in the Government’s approach to the healthcare giant Randox, that won COVID contracts worth hundreds of millions
Sam Bright investigates the concerns of a whistleblower who says that the UK’s flagship vaccines manufacturing hub is shrouded in secrecy
The Private Members Bill promises to ensure the specific needs of people with Down syndrome are considered – but parents, campaigners and people with learning disabilities are sceptical about what the law will achieve and the motives behind it
There’s been much talk about falling birth rates from all sides of the political spectrum – but the elephant in the nursery is the Conservatives’ record on benefit cuts
A formal complaint accuses the British Government of facilitating ‘the largest single health and safety disaster to befall the United Kingdom workforce since the introduction of asbestos products’
Tommy Greene and David Hencke report on a number of worrying NHS dismissal cases
Sam Bright pens his most interesting findings after delving into a range of recent written parliamentary questions
Exclusive polling by Omnisis for Byline Times illuminates the scale of public distrust in the Prime Minister and his party
The Health and Social Care Secretary has agreed an ‘insurance policy’ with private providers, in breach of Treasury spending guidelines, reports David Hencke
Thousands of people lost their lives on the days that Government ministers, advisors and officials flouted lockdown rules, Sam Bright reports
The infiltration of private sector providers into state services amounts to the robbery of resources that belong to us all, says Rachel Morris
Brexit, Coronavirus, insurrection – the first five months of the year were packed with concerning developments on many fronts
James Reid reports on the human face of pressures on the health service – which was already struggling for the past decade under austerity, before inevitably being impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic
David Oliver makes a plea on behalf of his colleagues as they face a surge of admissions due to the spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19 this Christmas
The Chief Medical Officer’s role is to offer his expert opinion on the evolving pandemic – and yet he is under attack for doing just that, says David Oliver
Evidence, exclusively seen by this newspaper, suggests that officials are trying to find new uses for visors purchased from one firm during the first wave of the pandemic, Sam Bright reveals
Healthcare staff are expressing concerns at being able to offer all adults the Coronavirus booster jab by 2022
Women make up the majority of the world’s healthcare workers but new research shows how during the pandemic their health was put at risk by PPE designed for men