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Nafeez Ahmed on why the US’ version of events about the attacking of a Japanese-owned oil tanker raises more questions than answers.
CJ Werleman on how the UK is “sleepwalking” into a domestic right-wing terrorism crisis despite warnings from the police.
Mike Stuchbery sheds some light on the heated debate ignited by New York congresswoman Alexandra-Cortez
Boris Johnson finally launched his bid to become Britain’s Prime Minister today, and it’s clear that the same dark money and data are behind him.
75,000 peacefully took to the streets during Donald Trump’s state visit, but Louise Raw is reminded of the disturbing past of Far-right protesters.
Salena Godden, poet and writer, continues her whirlwind of readings and gigs at festivals and invites us all to share a moment of peace, community and solidarity. “The Future hasn’t happened yet. The idea that our civilisation is doomed is not an established fact. It is a story we tell ourselves.” – John Higgs The…
As Trump heads to the UK for his first official state visit, praising Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, his history of corruption, misogyny, and racism will follow him overseas.
CJ Werleman explains the logic behind attempts to escalate tensions in the Gulf: it’s all about bluster, and arms deals
C J Werleman documents the global threat of Far-right terrorism and argues that Trump might seek to benefit from it.
Assange and the “radical transparency” organisation he founded wittingly waged a disinformation campaign to provide cover for themselves — and they used a dead man’s name to do it.
The Trump campaign didn’t have to coordinate directly with the Russian government — because it had a middleman to do its dirty work.
As the world awaits publication of the Mueller Report, Attorney General Bill Barr is readying himself for the final act of a slow-motion cover-up.
Lindsay McKenzie reports from Washington on how NASA is being pressured by the President to work to his short-term political timescale
Patrick Howse spent decades reporting news for the BBC, risking life and limb. He believed in Auntie’s credo. But the former producer says the corporation’s unquestioning Brexit coverage has now crossed the line.
Following confirmation that Julian Assange has been arrested – twice – today, Byline Times provides the background to his legal battles and asks which allegations will be prioritised.
John Cleese wonders why Trump supporters are not terrified by his ramblings. And then the awful truth dawns…
Attorney General Barr appears to be living up to his nickname of the “Coverup General,” this time by burying the substance of the Mueller report and selectively editing the information that will see the light of day.
Trump’s top donor, Robert Mercer, is at the centre of a multimillion-dollar anti-Muslim propaganda industry responsible for creating and spreading the same Islamophobic rhetoric found in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto.
Caroline Orr explains how, when Manafort goes to prison, he will carry with him a slew of secrets about Super PACS, polling data and a possible Wikileaks Connection
Journalist and DJ Chris Sullivan on the tired “magic formula” for gaming the Academy Awards system
Faisal Khan profiles high-flying democrat Tulsi Gabbard. What does she stand for? What does she believe in? And who funds her?
Following the FACTS outlined by the congressional requests for documents, Caroline Orr sets out the road map ahead and argues a new era of accountability is on the way for Trump and his digital operation
Roger Stone’s speakerphone conversation with Trump about Wikileaks and hacked emails coincides with a secretive meeting between Stone and Nigel Farage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland that year.
The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s final report on disinformation and fake news reveals new evidence and calls for new investigations into dark data, dark money and Russian influence in British elections.
As Steve Bannon is identified of the ‘High-Ranking’ Trump Campaign official in the Roger Stone indictment, the question of Russian collusion not only moves upwards to the President, but across the Atlantic
The arrest of Trump’s long time political advisor for his contact with Wikileaks and Russian hacking of the Democratic Party has two key leads to the UK and Brexit
There’s little doubt Boris Johnson was inspired in his deep state rhetoric by Steve Bannon…. The problem for Boris Johnson is that Steve Bannon is a key subject of the FBI investigation into Russian interference.
The first in an occasional series to accompany the UNTOLD: Dial M for Mueller podcast with Carole Cadwalldr on why Britain needs an FBI-style investigation into Brexit.