Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the outside pressure weighed on SAGE to prioritise ‘supply chains’, the ‘wider economy’, ‘workforce’ and ‘business’
After a comprehensive investigation into five months of SAGE documents Nafeez Ahmed arrives at some shocking findings
Stephen Delahunty reports on another case of a private company with no expertise or experience providing personal protective equipment being engaged by the Government to do so
Monica Piccinini investigates the impact of COVID-19 and President Bolsonaro’s policies on the indigenous peoples of Brazil
With lockdown restrictions being eased, how can people make ‘common sense’ decisions around the Coronavirus risk in their area if accurate data is being kept from them?
Byline Times’ Secret Scientist considers the paradoxical scientific ambition of the Prime Minister and his complete disregard for science itself
Byline Times’ chief medical officer Dr John Ashton considers why and how the Government is so keen to return to ‘business as usual’
Byline Times’ chief medical officer, Dr John Ashton, explores the Government’s failings in entering lockdown and now leaving it
David Hencke reports on how much money has been wasted on the Government’s NHSX tracing app, which it has now ditched to follow one being used by other countries for some time
Byline Times’ Secret Scientist explains why science cannot provide any definitive answers at this stage on the debate around the consequences of the Government easing lockdown
As the Premier League restarts after its suspension due to the Coronavirus, Gareth Roberts looks at a hidden epidemic in Soccer — dementia and other signs of neurological damage
Dr John Ashton, explores the Government’s failure to protect those living and working in environments which are hotbeds for the Coronavirus
From economic aftershocks to social unrest, racial discrimination and healthcare inequality, Otto English predicts a pandemic will transform this century just as it did the last
Tasnim Nazeer reports on how the Government’s troubled smartphone app will only exacerbate the health inequalities exposed by the Coronavirus pandemic
Molly Scott Cato detects a pattern in the multiple failures of the UK Government to get to grips with the Coronavirus pandemic
With one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the world, the UK has proven itself to be exceptional. But its problems go beyond shallow notions of complacency and are rooted in deep-seated structural and cultural oppression
Rupert Read and Tara Greaves on recent ONS figures that prove the much-hyped Oxford Model based on Coronavirus immunity was based on false premises
The Leader of Plaid Cymru sets out why he believes that following the Westminster Government has left Wales on the back foot in controlling COVID-19.
Public Health England’s report into risk factors associated with COVID-19 deaths has revealed the structural inequality and poverty endangering lives.
A source deeply involved in the national effort to combat COVID-19 speaks to Byline Times.
Otto English shares a personal story of tragedy during the lockdown which was unfolding at the same time as Dominic Cummings was conducting his Barnard Castle eye test. My family loves Easter Sunday. It marks the start of spring and who doesn’t like a party? This year, the visits from favourite relatives and friends were…
As drink sales rocket during the COVID-19 lockdown, Stephen Delahunty reports on how the reality of Britain’s dependency on alcohol is coming home.
To Musa Okwonga, the Dominic Cummings scandal proves that the Prime Minister and his Cabinet are no longer public servants — they treat the public as their servants.
Gareth Roberts explores the unexpected legal consequences of the Government’s defence of the Prime Minister’s chief advisor
Stephen Delahunty reports on concerns about credit agencies being used by health bodies when processing patient data.
Knighting Captain Tom Moore – rightly admired for his fundraising for the NHS – is a cynical ploy by a populist Prime Minister struggling to do his job in an actual crisis, says Otto English.
Portia Antonia Alexis looks at the devastating results if COVID-19 runs rife in the southern hemisphere and how an international response is needed to save more than 30 million lives.
Stephen Colegrave investigates the huge gulf between Britain and many other countries in the number of health worker COVID-19 fatalities.
Otto English investigates multiple shocking reports of a complete lack of COVID-19 checks for those arriving in the UK from abroad.
Jon Bailes explores why the Government may have changed its Coronavirus messaging to ‘Stay Alert’ and how this represents the tenets of a culture in which social problems are blamed on perceived individual failings.
Graham Williamson reports on how the COVID-19 phase of the culture wars in Middlesborough are an endless re-run of the 1940s
Saba Salman calls on the mainstream media to more accurately reflect the lives of those with learning disabilities and explains how her new book of essays, written by the learning disabled, aims to change the narrative.
Tasnim Nazeer speaks to NHS doctors and nurses from minority communities who have experienced discrimination in the workforce.
Hardeep Matharu finds echoes of the nuclear explosion that helped end the Soviet Union and the UK’s response to COVID-19, which has resulted in one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the world.
Almost all medical staff and two-thirds of nurses who have died from the Coronavirus have come from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities reports Mark Conrad
David Hencke reports on revelations from the National Audit Office over massive IT spending and the unaccountable role of NHSX.
Nafeez Ahmed explores the troubling implications and assumptions of the Government’s AI-driven gene programme
The first part of Nafeez Ahmed’s major investigation into the money, men and motivation behind a massive move into medical data.