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Less than 5% of people with learning disabilities are employed, while 86% want to be. The Government must think about which Brits it values as being worthy of work
An evidence-led, long-called for, but under-used programme of checks for people with a learning disability has the potential to help ease health inequalities more widely, Saba Salman reports
Saba Salman reports on a significant project that involves people with learning disabilities addressing the issues directly and shaping the narrative
Black and ethnic minority communities are under-represented in dementia debate and action – despite facing multiple inequalities related to the condition
A new report reviewed the deaths of 3,648 people with a learning disability – almost half died an avoidable death
Government austerity and savage cuts to council funding have decimated respite and short break services
A new report by a national commission has found that ‘systemic racism embedded in the Government’s responses to the pandemic may have worsened outcomes’
Saba Salman reports on the yet-to-be-published findings of a national commission examining the impact of the pandemic, disablism and systemic racism
The Mental Health Bill may have negative unintended consequences, Saba Salman reports
Saba Salman reports on concerns that the Government’s new Bill of Rights will leave vulnerable people without the support and opportunities they require to lead fulfilling lives
By asking people with learning disabilities and their families to live in a ‘constant state of lockdown with no support’, the Government is following an approach to the vulnerable that should be consigned to the past, says Saba Salman
Saba Salman reports on the absence of official recognition by the Government that people with learning disabilities have been disproportionately affected by the Coronavirus pandemic in a number of ways
Saba Salman explores how a century of prejudice still finds echoes today in the treatment of people with learning disabilities during the Coronavirus pandemic
Almost two-thirds of all people who have died from COVID-19 are disabled. Where is the support for some of the most vulnerable in our society?
Saba Salman calls on the mainstream media to more accurately reflect the lives of those with learning disabilities and explains how her new book of essays, written by the learning disabled, aims to change the narrative.