An exclusive poll for Byline Times finds only a minority of voters would choose to remain in the UK if given the option to emigrate to another country
Up to two million people could be denied a vote unless they apply for ID – and even those with ID could be turned away by polling staff, reports Josiah Mortimer
The Justice Secretary’s long and “dangerous” campaign to scrap the Human Rights Act was “pushed forward by parts of the media” smarting from privacy laws
The Labour Leader is being urged to keep his promises on reforming democracy, Josiah Mortimer reports
Labour’s announcement that it would abolish the UK’s unelected second chamber is a headline-grabbing idea with little thought of the problems involved, writes AC Grayling
As the former Prime Minister makes £750k from just three speeches since being ousted from Number 10, his voters feel abandoned
Sam Bright inspects the former Prime Minister’s plans to rewire British politics
Barrister Gareth Roberts sets out the options available to Nicola Sturgeon following the UK Supreme Court’s decision that she cannot hold a second independence referendum without Westminster’s approval
The Union is not based on consent – European leaders must now make it clear Scotland will be welcomed as the only country to be taken out of the EU against its will, writes Anthony Barnett
The genesis of the current chaos lies in the main political parties deciding to allow their members to choose their leaders, writes David Keys
Frances Crook, co-convener of the Commission on Political Power, sets out why incremental shifts in the role of monarchy and an over-powerful executive could strengthen democracy in the unlikely event of wholesale reform
Florence Scott reflects on why it is time to discuss the underpinnings of the British monarchy – Christianity, wealth, class, imperialism
Boris Johnson has done more for the independence movement in Scotland and the possibility of reunification for Ireland than either the SNP or Sinn Féin managed in a generation, says Jonathan Lis
With the Prime Minister at last having faced a moment of reckoning, Professor Chris Painter surveys the wreckage of a Government devoid of meaningful purpose on the key public policy issues of the day
The Queen’s 70 years on the throne have seen Britain undergo extraordinary change – how will the monarchy’s constitutional and societal role continue to evolve in the years ahead?
New polling by Omnisis for Byline Times shows a significant body of support outside England for an elected head of state
AV Deggar considers how the Vote Leave coalition may react to emboldened separatist forces in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Is the Royal Family trapped by Britain’s past or is the problem our inability to conceive of a social order without monarchy?
The call between Johnson and Prime Minister Mateus Morawiecki noted shared troubles with the European Court of Justice, prompting worries about threats to judicial independence in both nations