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With Joe Biden inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Peter Jukes reflects on the trauma of the past four years and how Donald Trump has reminded us of a crucial lesson from history
A crucial historical explanation for the imaginative rage of Donald Trump’s militant army lies in the Vietnam War generation, argues Anthony Barnett
Hardeep Matharu explores why the attacks on the rule of law and accountability by Boris Johnson and his Government are not interpreted to be as alarming for the UK as the more overt destruction being waged by Donald Trump in America
CJ Werleman explores how the US President’s extraordinary assault on American democracy should ring alarm bells for the UK and Australia
In an exclusive interview with Byline Times, Lee-Cheuk Yan discusses comparisons between the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 and recent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, and its future under Beijing’s National Security Law
CJ Werleman explores the threats to Americans’ lives and that of their democracy which show no sign of diminishing soon
Boris Johnson’s ‘no deal’ posturing is a reminder of how Brexit has violated British democracy, argues Sam Bright
The British bank froze the accounts of people involved in Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy as leading activists are convicted of their roles in mass protests
Jonathan Lis argues that the British public would have more respect for the Government if it owned up to its many mistakes – a taking back of control the administration cannot bear
Today, activists for democracy in the former British colony find themselves with no protests, no opposition law-makers and, soon, without their influential leaders
Jonathan Lis explains why Boris Johnson will not simply abandon the divisive nationalist, neo-imperialist politics he has built his premiership on just because Donald Trump is on his way out of the White House
CJ Werleman documents the violence which Trump supporters have already perpetrated around the 2020 Presidential Election and warns that the very real threat from right-wing terrorism is likely to be exploited by the President
Speaking exclusively to the Byline Times Podcast, Kevin Rudd discusses his campaign to establish a Royal Commission into the need for media diversity in Australia
The UK Government remains silent as politicians who refuse to accept China’s sovereignty over the city are purged, reports Steve Shaw
Mike Buckley argues that those concerned about the Boris Johnson regime in Britain should take note of Donald Trump’s enduring popularity in the United States
The President’s attempts to prematurely claim an election victory has the potential to destroy American moral leadership, says Steve Shaw
Regardless of the outcome, this election shows just how deeply divided America remains, says CJ Werleman
Robert Waldeck with a comprehensive, compelling account of how the Ukraine crisis propelled Putin’s information war, the courtship of Donald Trump and the targeting of Joe Biden
Donald Trump has already threatened to undermine the foundations of American elections. If he wins again, there will be little to stop him, argues CJ Werleman
A cross-party group of MPs and Peers are calling for a judicial review into why the British government has failed to hold an inquiry into Russian interference in elections, reports Steve Shaw
How serious is the UK about upholding its historic responsibility towards its former colony, where a crisis of democracy is unfolding before the world’s eyes?
Boris Johnson’s chief aide has amassed unprecedented power and should be held to account, a new report suggests
Byline Times’ chief medical officer, John Ashton, looks at how the Government has lost popular support for its unequal tier system
Nafeez Ahmed digs deeper into the censorship of an article he wrote attacking those on the left who are boycotting the largest campaign to get Muslims out to vote in next month’s Presidential Election
The false equivalence awarded to Donald Trump and Joe Biden is grossly misleading and a danger to democracy, argues CJ Werleman
The Education Secretary’s ‘freedom’ crusade is a rhetorical smokescreen for the Government’s instinctively authoritarian policies, argues Sam Bright
CJ Werleman explores the overlap between those with hard right beliefs and people with a desire to lead alternative lifestyles via the conspiracy theory group which believes Donald Trump is saving the world from cannibals and paedophiles
Tommy Walker reports on the more nuanced methods of resistance democrats are adopting in the face of repressive new laws
Jonathan Lis assesses the motives of the Government in treating the public, the UK’s democracy, its international partners – everyone outside of itself – with contempt
Mike Buckley analyses another concerning aspect of the Government’s Internal Market Bill: the scale of the powers it confers on ministers and what this will mean for UK democracy
Stephen Colegrave considers the importance and potential outcome of the Climate Assembly UK report published today
Stephen Colegrave begins a new Byline Times series on the people exposing wrongdoing in public life by considering the implications of Brexit on the protections provided to UK whistleblowers
China’s strategy for the former British colony is unique – to encourage self-censorship through fear. Tommy Walker reports from Hong Kong
With Gavin Williamson facing no repercussions over the exams algorithm shambles, Alex Andreou argues that the more incompetent a minister is, the more likely they are to do well under this administration
Stalked by a shadowy, faceless entity, David Clark thought the Government’s attempts to contact him were a hoax