he Coronavirus crisis has established the realities of devolution more clearly in the public mind than any other issue, says Leighton Andrews
How and why did management consultancies and outsourcing become an essential arm of government?
Boris Johnson’s chief aide has amassed unprecedented power and should be held to account, a new report suggests
The Prime Minister has no guiding ethos other than self-aggrandisement, a fact that has plunged the Government and the country into disarray, argues Sam Bright
Former MP Ian Lucas scrutinises a recent letter from the Information Commissioner addressing the links between Cambridge Analytica and the pro-Brexit campaigns
Mike Buckley argues that only Conservative MPs worried by the Boris Johnson administration can now save the country from further wrack and ruin through its handling of Brexit and the Coronavirus
A new report lays bare details of the Government’s Coronavirus work conducted by Dominic Cummings’ favourite tech companies
Tom Scott on how new revelations about voter suppression the US raise urgent questions about psychographic targeting of UK voters and plans to strip citizens of data protection rights
The UK under Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings is being governed by party stooges and corporate blobs lacking experience but offering loyalty, argues Sam Bright
Byline Times reports on the legal minds helping the Vote Leave Government in its war against the judiciary
Insiders reveal a clash between Civil Service impartiality and Cabinet Office concentration of power, reports Sam Bright
Michael Gove’s department is shelling out thousands on opinion polling, yet the results probably don’t make for happy reading, reports Sam Bright
Millions in taxpayer cash has been given to company that doesn’t appear to have traded since it was founded in 2016 – a questionable move in a bigger “scandal”, according to one MP
Mike Buckley looks at the most likely options for the UK as the Brexit transition phase nears an end – and sees a catastrophic ‘no deal’ break as the most likely outcome
With Gavin Williamson facing no repercussions over the exams algorithm shambles, Alex Andreou argues that the more incompetent a minister is, the more likely they are to do well under this administration
Otto English has procured a letter from the Prime Minister’s partner about their summer sojourn in Scotland – read on, campers!
Sam Bright and Greg Miskiw dig into dystopian lanyard flaunted by Boris Johnson’s chief advisor
Three months after his breach of lockdown rules came to light, Hardeep Matharu explores the precedent set by the No 10 chief advisor’s callous hoodwinking of the public – a fundamental degrading of democracy that was missed by the Labour Party at a dangerous cost
David Hencke reports on the Home Office’s plans to change its immigration status system and fresh insights about the ‘Whitehall Revolution’ being masterminded by the Prime Minister’s chief advisor
Amid its attempts to centralise Government data, Michael Gove’s department is exposed to cyber security incidents, Sam Bright reports
David Hencke reports on the extension of a new contract system by Michael Gove’s office which avoids publication of early bids from tech companies
Faculty AI, an artificial intelligence company employed by Dominic Cummings during the Brexit campaign, is being marketed to foreign countries as an antidote to fake news
Alex Andreou dissects how the Vote Leave Government’s latest hollow message around the Coronavirus is devoid of any real meaning and betrays the contempt it holds the British public in
James Wallbank explores how Systems Thinking can help the public to understand the methods of the Prime Minister and his chief advisor –and why they must not be mistaken for buffoons
David Hencke explores the implications of one of the most extraordinary Government power grabs he has seen as a political reporter
With mounting scandals and inconsistencies over the Government’s handling of COVID-19, Stephen Colegrave and Peter Jukes have compiled a list of its biggest falsehoods so far
The third part of Nafeez Ahmed’s investigation shows how public health was sacrificed to ideology as the lockdown was eased
Nafeez Ahmed investigates how the adoption of the outlandish policy, which would have led to half a million deaths, coincided with the presence of Boris Johnson’s controversial chief advisor
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the outside pressure weighed on SAGE to prioritise ‘supply chains’, the ‘wider economy’, ‘workforce’ and ‘business’
After a comprehensive investigation into five months of SAGE documents Nafeez Ahmed arrives at some shocking findings
With lockdown restrictions being eased, how can people make ‘common sense’ decisions around the Coronavirus risk in their area if accurate data is being kept from them?
Byline Times’ chief medical officer Dr John Ashton considers why and how the Government is so keen to return to ‘business as usual’
The Odeon of Death takes a look at the month’s events through the medium of cinema.
Under the cover of a crisis, attacks on independent journalism are increasing around the world at the hands of ‘strong men’ determined to dismantle liberalism
David Hencke reports on how, having survived the scandal of breaking the COVID-19 lockdown, Boris Johnson’s chief advisor is not letting the Coronavirus crisis go to waste
With one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the world, the UK has proven itself to be exceptional. But its problems go beyond shallow notions of complacency and are rooted in deep-seated structural and cultural oppression
Stephen Colegrave looks at the structural failures behind Britain’s COVID-19 catastrophe from the perspective of ten years’ time
David Hencke reports on how the scandal-hit No. 10 chief advisor has already begun his long-term promise to use Big Tech models to disrupt the British state.