Charlie Duffield speaks to citizens exploring alternative ways of living as the linked crises of housing and the economy become a way of life
Andrew Kersley speaks to a man awaiting the bailiffs as campaigners warn that cuts to housing services are leaving vulnerable people desperately unsupported
Effie Webb talks to past and prospective junior doctors who describe a crumbling healthcare system and the demise of what was once a prestigious career
The UK has fallen to 29th in the global rankings of life expectancy. Matthew Gwyther looks at the economic and social reasons why the country has become the ‘sick man of Europe’ again
Buried in the Chancellor’s Statement is news the UK will suffer a sustained period of low growth, high taxes and a record-breaking fall in living standards, reports Adam Bienkov
Six years after the Brexit referendum, the amount of money lodged in British tax havens has reached mind-blowing levels. Florence Autret explains why
There is an historic opportunity for a progressive sea-change to reset today’s productivity sapping and inequality driving economic model, writes Stewart Lansley
New data has revealed the barriers single parents face in getting back to work, while rates of in-work poverty exposes Tory ‘myth’ that work is the route to riches, Sian Norris reports
New data from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals the extent of poverty in families
The NHS is being burdened by the scale of Britain’s health inequalities, reports Sam Bright
Max Colbert reports from Dartmoor where a Court Ruling has provoked a mass demonstration this weekend over the ancient right to camp in the National Park
Money promised to deprived areas after Brexit is instead being used to deal with the aftershocks of leaving the EU, reports Sam Bright
From arriving in the UK with nowhere to turn, to falling through the cracks and sleeping rough, Byline Times looks at the experiences of migrant people who are homeless
The Conservatives are gearing up for a ‘Big Bang 2’ deregulation of the City. At what cost?
An exclusive investigation by Sian Norris reveals the ‘national disgrace’ of council tenants struggling with mould
Consultant David Oliver analyses the claims about spending, waste and inefficiency in healthcare and proposes a ten point plan to restore services to their 2010 level
The Conservatives have abandoned their post-war commitment to any meaningful social contract, argues Chris Painter, and are reduced to discredited market dogmas and neo-imperial fantasies
New data shows the number of people going without food has increased by 100% since before the pandemic, with health outcomes for the poorest households worsening
Now the gap between the lowest and highest paid in the UK is one of the highest in the OECD, Iain Overton looks at the role of public sector pay in widening the disparities
Josiah Mortimer reports on a night shift worker at an Essex logistics hub who has to walk hours in freezing temperatures
There’s a reason Dickens’ Christmas Carol is a perennial festive favourite, says A V Deggar – the Malthusian ideas of Scrooge are still with us
Manasa Narayanan speaks to people who are homeless, surviving on Westminster’s streets in the shadow of Parliament
The number of adults participating in government-funded further education and skills training has dropped dramatically, according to a report by a parliamentary committee
As temperatures drop, turkeys are added to shopping lists, and letters to Santa are written, how are people coping during a winter of inflation and financial hardship? Sian Norris reports
Rachel Morris looks at the ideological underpinning and likely real-world effects of Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn statement and sees Britain heading down a road to nowhere
New Government data shows how deaths of homeless people – including to Coronavirus – continues to rise. Sian Norris reports
The cost of living crisis, more than a decade of cuts and the pandemic have left local authorities on the brink when it comes to key services
As concerns mount about dire living conditions in Britain, Max Colbert reports that there have been five different housing ministers this year alone
Sam Bright explores how the masters of high finance have been welcomed into the heart of power
Ellie Newis and Sian Norris report on the extent and impact of child poverty as Britain continues to grapple with the cost of living crisis
Sian Norris digs into the data on a decade of cuts, assessing its impact on people and public services, as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt lines up Austerity 2.0
Council tax would need to rise by 20% to save urgently-needed public services, but how will Jeremy Hunt respond in his autumn statement?
Tamsin Flower looks into the ‘poverty’ of data on poverty and how thousands of low-income households could be left without the recognition and aid they most need
The cost of living crisis is putting women’s and children’s lives at risk, as victims and survivors of domestic abuse are forced to choose between safety and destitution, Sian Norris reports
Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ fundamentally restructured the UK economy – bidding up asset prices and pushing down wages and living standards, writes Thomas Perrett
With more cuts to public services expected from Rishi Sunak’s Government, Rachel Morris tracks the outcomes of the controversial policy since 2010
With the cost of living crisis pushing up rents and Local Housing Allowance frozen since 2020, more and more of the poorest private tenants are struggling to make ends meet
Past evidence shows the damage that spending cuts can create – even in Conservative strongholds
Photo: Andrii Yalanskyi/Alamy
With the Government getting ready for austerity 2.0, Sian Norris reflects on the impact previous cuts to local government had on public health
Sian Norris returns to the town where her family once lived to learn how the cost of living crisis is impacting the lives of ordinary people and their communities in north Wales