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Fed by an irresponsible media, neither voters nor political leaders are willing to accept the trade-offs inherent in fiscal choices, writes Chris Grey in his monthly column for the Byline Times print edition
A damning new report accuses the City regulator of getting too close to the very sector it was set up to protect consumers from
Rachel Reeves will be leant on by City figures to deregulate the sector ahead of her keynote speech this Thursday. But transparency campaigners warn too many are falling victim to predatory finance firms
The prestigious university is resisting demands for fair treatment from casualised staff, despite its vast wealth
The Employment Rights Bill continues to face huge opposition from some employers
Amid a Labour rebellion over the two-child welfare cap, new figures reveal the number of families still hit by the Coalition Government-era housing policy
Combined Trussell Trust and Independent Food Aid Network data lays bare the breadth of food banks in the UK – themselves symptoms of a far deeper food poverty crisis
The Labour leader’s refusal to commit to scrapping George Osborne’s austerity-era policy risks committing hundreds of thousands more children into poverty
Gordon Brown responds to a shocking UNICEF report that UK child poverty has worsened drastically more than 38 other OECD nations
The Prime Minister’s announcements on sickness and disability benefits were not just another assault on an already punitive welfare system – they were nuclear-level gaslighting, writes Mary O’Hara
Despite the Conservatives pledging to get rid of no-fault evictions in 2019 landlords are using it in record numbers with a 28% increase in 2023
The first quarter of 2024 has seen a fourfold increase in tenants investigating how to notify landlords of their intention to strike
Former Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield branded the figures from an investigation by Byline Times as ‘extraordinary’ and said that the system was ‘completely dysfunctional’
Since Boris Johnson’s 2019 pledge, the public has received more of the same – austerity and higher taxes from the Government and, in many cases, cash-strapped local councils
The Government’s ‘slash and crash’ Budget was left largely unscathed by Keir Starmer’s party. Why?
Children are dying younger and growing up shorter, while the elderly’s last years are more painful and desperate than they once were. We have normalised the life of our society falling apart, writes Danny Dorling
A new report has found it will take 55 years for those living in the north-east to have the same healthy life expectancy now enjoyed in London and the south-east of England
Activists in Cornwall say the scheme – while welcome – will barely touch the sides as 23,000 languish on a council waiting list
A blaze in a West London block of flats last week reveals how the leasehold system is still putting lives at risk, writes Labour MP Barry Gardiner
The party’s U-turn on the bankers’ bonus cap comes just months after the party campaigned against scrapping it
Four of the biggest banks in the UK amassed £41 billion in pre-tax profits in the first nine months of the year alone.
Despite Government calls for pay restraint, new figures show some people are doing very well out of the cost of living crisis, writes Josiah Mortimer
Taxpayers have been left with a £2.7 billion bill, according to the Public Accounts Committee
The two former chancellors reveal how ‘the grown-ups in the room’ collude in their outlook
A new short film reveals the heart-wrenching stories of those who lost their loved ones to COVID – and exposes the politics of poverty behind the crisis
The collapsing school buildings scandal has exposed how the Government failed to ‘fix the roof while the sun was shining’
A new wave of unionisation in the cultural sector is pushing back against a decade of austerity in the sector
Student housing has never been known for its quality but, in recent years, the system has been pushed to breaking point
The focus on ‘language’ policing by the arbiters of educational standards exacerbates class and racial inequalities argues a new report
A report by the Commons’ Public Accounts Committee says more should be done to help young adults trace their funds
Byline Times speaks to Ukrainian women taken advantage of in the UK’s cleaning and hospitality sectors
An official report reveals why the Conservative Party is unfit to be in charge of the NHS
The UK’s 13 biggest housing associations paid their executives over £22m with bosses earning almost double the average for the UK’s biggest charities
Staff of St Mungo’s charity have begun an indefinite strike over pay, following allegations of a ‘25 minute shouting match’ at union reps by CEO Emma Haddad
Mary Davenport (centre right), a former apprentice forced to drop out due to financial struggles, is speaking up about rock-bottom pay
Renters in the capital are encountering controversial practices as the housing crisis worsens, writes our Chief Reporter
Politicians, landlords and the media have celebrated the financialisation of domestic property. But as the housing crisis deepens, what happened to the basic human right?
Despite the controversy, the French President’s economic proposals are far from the ‘Anglo Saxon’ model. Barnaby Towns argues that, when it comes to addressing inequality, the UK could learn from them
The G15 housing associations have been the subject of constant scandals in the past two years over the poor quality of their homes
Analysis for Byline Times reveals charity sector employees are themselves being pushed into poverty pay, Nic Murray reports. But staff are fighting back
Robin Burgess, the first CEO of the Responsibility in Gambling Trust, argues that both Labour and Conservative parties have focused on a few damaged ‘addicts’ and not the wider structural harm
As legislation is introduced to end Section 21 evictions, Lauren Crosby Medlicott talks to tenants who live in constant fear of homelessness Back in 2019, the government promised to ban Section 21 no-fault evictions, a move that would guarantee a landlord would no longer be able to evict a tenant from their tenancy without a…
Charlie Duffield speaks to citizens exploring alternative ways of living as the linked crises of housing and the economy become a way of life