A majority of voters believe “nothing in Britain really works” and say Rishi Sunak’s party has made public services worse, according to an exclusive new poll
The collapsing school buildings scandal has exposed how the Government failed to ‘fix the roof while the sun was shining’
A new wave of unionisation in the cultural sector is pushing back against a decade of austerity in the sector
A new report by the National Audit Office sounds the alarm on the state of school buildings requiring major refurbishment
Austerity, combined with poor policy decisions, left the NHS in a far weaker position by the time David Oliver was caring for his first Coronavirus patient in March 2020
A parliamentary report confirms Byline Times’ story about the collapse in the auditing of how taxpayers’ money is being spent on public services
As Byline Times reveals that around half of the Government’s biggest outsourcing partners are failing to hit minimum targets, experts warn that attempts at reform are not enough
Despite problems in meeting key performance indicators, these companies seem to be managing a significant and growing share of public services
The G15 housing associations have been the subject of constant scandals in the past two years over the poor quality of their homes
A former 111 clinician speaks out on rising pressures and a staffing crisis at the NHS non-emergency call service. Josiah Mortimer and Max Colbert report
The Government has yet to take any action to address evidence that firefighters are more likely to die of cancer than the general population, Andrew Kersley reports
Andrew Kersley speaks to a man awaiting the bailiffs as campaigners warn that cuts to housing services are leaving vulnerable people desperately unsupported
Exclusive analysis by Byline Times uncovers the staggering amounts being paid by forces for public and employer liability claims
Two thirds of police stations in England have closed since 2010. A new study digs into the dire consequences, Josiah Mortimer reports
Prisoners can receive compensation if they are injured and the Prison Service is to blame or if their human rights are breached – Iain Overton reports
Consultant David Oliver explains how the pressures and demands on his younger colleagues have led to an overwhelming vote to strike this spring
The Department for Work and Pensions has refused to publish its own research into the effectiveness of sanctions, reports Chaminda Jayanetti
A refused FOI request to understand the scale of inappropriate behaviour by police officers makes it harder to hold the Met to account, reports Sian Norris
The Mental Health Bill may have negative unintended consequences, Saba Salman reports
An unannounced inspection of a women’s prison raises new concerns about safety across the female estate. Sian Norris reports
A new poll by Omnisis for Byline Times reveals the impact of serial rapist and Met Police officer David Carrick’s guilty plea on women’s trust in policing
Maya Esslemont and Sian Norris reveal how crime victims are struggling to access the financial support they are entitled to
The Public Order Act – launched to clamp down on groups like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil – could be used against trade unionists too
An investigation by Byline Times has uncovered shocking new figures on the presence of the dangerous mineral in places of education
Penny Pepper pens an open letter to her Conservative MP, explaining why the NHS crisis is personal and political for those ‘living in the real world’
Sam Bright reports on the influence held by a parliamentary lobbying group backed by private health interests
Opponents of free universal healthcare hope the current crisis will open the door to killing off the NHS altogether, writes Adam Bienkov
Consultant David Oliver looks at the chronic depletion of NHS investment, pay, training and staffing levels which have led to the current emergency
Some on the right are using the current NHS crisis to suggest a different health system is required – but how much of this is built on fact?
Support services for NHS staff have seen a huge surge in demand in recent months, Byline Times can reveal
Sam Bright examines the contribution of Brexit to our current healthcare crisis
New data from the Metropolitan Police shows the scale of sexual violence in London’s hospitals
NHS staff are professionals, not supernatural entities, says Nathan O’Hagan. They have the right to strike. But we also have the right to ask if our health services could be run more efficiently
Samir Jeraj reports on how funding cuts, increasing costs, ageing facilities and climate change are all playing a role in rising numbers of deaths by drowning
All the evidence indicates that senior Cabinet ministers facilitated the awarding of COVID contracts to favoured suppliers, reports Sam Bright
Sascha Lavin and Sian Norris expose the frighteningly high levels of sexual violence in spaces designed for safety and care – hospitals
The cost of living crisis, more than a decade of cuts and the pandemic have left local authorities on the brink when it comes to key services
The overwhelming majority of police forces have seen a deterioration in recent years, reveals Andrew Kersley
Sam Bright explores how the masters of high finance have been welcomed into the heart of power