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Tom Mutch reveals his time on the front line with Amnesty officials and the glaring oversights and errors in their recent much-criticised report
Chris York reports from Ukraine on the impact of Boris Johnson’s resignation on the Kremlin’s information wars, and their plans for his successor
The Byline Times Team investigates claims that a Russian diplomat with links to the Conservative Party assisted a British pro-Putin propagandist
Sian Norris and Heidi Seigmund Cuda report on the US Government’s seizure of millions of dollars connected to the ‘brainy don’ Konstantin Malofeyev
Oleksiy Pluzhnyk shares his insights on the incessant media chaos all Ukrainians are going through
The disinformation tactics used by Russia since its invasion of Ukraine are familiar to anyone who observed them in Syria, the US election and Brexit reports Sian Norris
Zarina Zabrisky speaks to an engineer at the Ukrainian nuclear plant about the risks posed by Russia’s invasion and control of the facility
Idrees Ahmad shows how the propaganda weapons the Kremlin tried out in Syria are missing their targets in the current war, but urges vigilance to new ones
A tangled web of influence from Gazprom to the Conservative Party to GB News – at its epicentre is a Tory PR lobbyist who played a key role in Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign
From Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 to the full scale invasion of Ukraine eight years later, Dr Jennifer Cassidy explains the impact and implications of the fifth battlespace of information
Russia is waging a war of disinformation, propaganda and conspiracy – with willing messengers in the Russian public and on the British far-right, Sian Norris reports
Byline Times talks to Susie Symes, Chair of the Museum of Immigration, about the arrest of Leyla Ibragimova and what it tells us about how authoritarian and repressive regimes attack culture and freedoms
The ‘War on Woke’ is a conflict between fascistic notions of the natural order against progressive values, and both Russian funding and disinformation networks have fuelled it
Jack Hanick, who created a Pro-Putin propaganda network for Putin’s favourite sanctioned oligarch, has been arrested in London – but the connections between his employer and the global far-right run deep
In the second of her two-part series looking at Russian oligarch funding and far-right disinformation, Sian Norris examines the warped worldview inspiring Putin’s aggression
In the first of a two part investigation, Sian Norris reveals the phenomenal funding by Russian oligarchs and their US allies of anti-gender, religious-right influence wars
Steve Baker’s COVID Recovery Group was backed by a company whose chairman is also a director of Toby Young’s COVID website
Thomas Perrett reports on worrying new findings which show the challenges ahead on implementing the changes necessary to divest from fossil fuels and expand renewable energy
Julian Petley looks back to the Soviet oppression of Czechoslovakia and the dissidence of the playwright Václav Havel for an understanding of the Post-Truth ideology of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson
Nafeez Ahmed reports on the recently formed APPG on Pandemic Response and Recovery, chaired by a Conservative MP, and which includes climate science deniers among its members
As Covid lobbying groups combine to oppose child vaccination, Nafeez Ahmed and Karam Bales investigate how conspiracy theories and pseudoscience disfigure public debate
Psychiatrist Benjamin Janaway wanted to understand why people have turned to COVID conspiracy theories. This is what he found
‘Snitch’ website for informants jumps the pond after being removed by multiple US web hosts for violating privacy terms of service and risking breach of federal laws
Heidi Siegmund Cuda investigates how the QAnon movement modelled itself on popular gaming culture
CJ Werleman reports on the disinformation being disseminated by those on the Christian right around the Coronavirus which is now spreading via social media to followers further afield