Honestly held opinions and provocative argument based on current events or our recent reports.
Faisal Khan asks: what next for the Islamic State following the loss of its Caliphate?
Psychologist and therapist Emmy van Deurzen argues that, beyond the lies and propaganda around Brexit, something more dangerous may be at play – self-deception.
Far from being topics of taboo, integration, immigration and racism have been politicised for years in dishonest narratives. Are Tony Blair and other centrists going down the same path again as populism rears its ugly head once more?
Otto English on how it’s not only Claire Fox who is taking the wheels off the Brexit Party bus.
Sexism is a potent political force and an important part of Assange’s legacy. We ignore it at our own peril.
Populist, anti-elitist, libertarian? Nigel Farage’s new party doesn’t have any ‘members’ and is secretive, authoritarian and looks like a one man dictatorship.
Extinction Rebellion is meeting London Mayor Sadiq Khan today, and tomorrow Environment Secretary Michael Gove and Shadow Chancellor John Mcdonnell. But the hope lies in fearless cities, not tepid symbolism.
Byline Times will never let activism lead our journalism, but our journalism will sometimes – we hope – lead to activism.
The threat of environmental catastrophe has led a growing group women to become so concerned about bringing that they have gone on birth strike.
Louise Raw argues that the commentator and former free schools boss Toby Young has a track record attacking people with special educational needs.
After the PM refused to meet Greta Thunberg yesterday, the Treasury shuns an important committee Inquiry about climate change this morning
Louise Raw counters some of the myths around the former EDL founder and argues there is only one antidote if Robinson announces his candidacy
Otto English on the weird moral maze of would-be Brexit Party MEP Claire Fox and her Spiked Network.
As ISIS claims responsibility for the Sri Lanka bombings, Byline Times looks at the broader threat posed by radicalised supporters returning from conflict zones – and how Britain’s response relies on local public bodies.
Stephen Colegrave argues that the media is both uninformed and under-estimating this radical new activist movement.
On St George’s day, Matthew Durkin argues that Andrew Marr of all people should know the real grievances behind the Brexit vote — English nationalism.
Carl Benjamin, the would-be UKIP MEP for South-West England, must recognise that he speaks out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to issues such as racism and misogyny.
Otto English describes how the tragedy of Notre Dame and the sense of solidarity and reflection that followed were quickly over-run by conspiracy theories and hate.
Oliver Norgrove, a former Nigel Farage admirer and Vote Leaver staffer, explains how Brexit broke itself on the back of ‘grotesque simplifications’.
Long time campaigner for whistleblowers and hacktivists, @auerfeld , argues that the fight against extradition of Julian Assange to Trump’s America is the real cause célèbre
Patrick Howse spent decades reporting news for the BBC, risking life and limb. He believed in Auntie’s credo. But the former producer says the corporation’s unquestioning Brexit coverage has now crossed the line.
Katie Bouman, the woman who created the algorithm to prove Einstein’s theorem, has given Otto English a breath of Brexit relief
Mike Stuchbery speaks out about his mental health struggles, and in doing so finds a cure in the kindness of others
Icelandic poetician Birgitta Jonsdottir, who collaborated with WikiLeaks in its early days, speaks up to defend him against extradition
There are many reasons to be concerned about the founder of WikiLeaks begin extradited to the US – but publishing the truth isn’t one of them.
What does it mean to be a political Muslim woman in a racist, misogynist, abusive online world?
As the Brexit fuse burns to its cinder, what the UK needs more than ever, is a more acceptance that many Britons are simply bewildered as to what the hell is going on. That doesn’t make them stupid – it makes them normal.
An emotional letter to Byline Times from a child abuse survivor has reignited debate over Boris Johnson’s claim that Britain’s CSA inquiry is a £60m waste of money.
All Prime Ministers obsess about their place in history. As the endgame nears – how will Theresa May be remembered? The long term forecast isn’t good.
Attorney General Barr appears to be living up to his nickname of the “Coverup General,” this time by burying the substance of the Mueller report and selectively editing the information that will see the light of day.
The Daily Mirror should have come clean about blagging and hacking to murder cops – and saved police time and money, says John Ford.
While the detective leading the inquiry into the television presenter’s murder says the case will never be solved, Byline Times reveals a crucial clue the police missed.
The Age of Ministerial Irresponsibility: The cabinet ministers who got away with facing the consequences of disastrous decisions.
Attorney General Barr’s hasty decision to let Trump off the hook on obstruction of justice leaves a cloud of doubt that will linger for the remainder of Trump’s presidency.
How much longer can our mainstream press escape the consequences of their false reporting and dangerous rhetoric around our Muslim communities?
As every day brings more uncertainty, Otto English asks how long will it take Brexit voters to accept that they have fallen prey to a vast Ponzi scheme?
The Christchurch terrorist created a misleading historical narrative of how Christians and Muslims have interacted over time. Mike Stuchbery explains why this is so dangerous.
Nazir Afzal, OBE, decries the Far Fight exploitation of the victims of child sexual abuse in ‘street grooming’ cases in Britain’s northern towns, and explains how ‘endless Islamophobia’ and propaganda provokes violence
For too long we’ve relied on unwritten norms to underpin our governance – norms of honesty, shame, resignation or apology for misleading parliament and the public or breaking ethical rules and professional guidelines… We need a written constitution to protect the public…
As the country lurches towards March 29th – Zugzwang Brexit is where our politicians are now at. So what can be done?
A weekly comprehensive round-up of what others are writing about the looming exit of the UK from the European Union.