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The Prime Minister likes to be a ‘man of the people’ – but a new investigation reveals his political benefactors represent a tiny cabal of extremely rich British financiers
Sam Bright unravels the ties between Conservative leadership hopeful Liz Truss and Westminster’s network of opaque libertarian think tanks
In the second part of his look at Brexit ‘campaigning’ groups, Otto English explores the attempts of those trying to weaponise their versions of British history and turning it into an orthodoxy which cannot be challenged
As the battles of Brexit morph into a culture war, Otto English detects a pattern among the ‘concerned citizens’ demanding Britain ‘takes back control’ of its past
David Hencke and Sam Bright report on the ever-growing number of Conservative-linked figures who are filling senior roles in Government departments and bodies
The same, well-connected insiders are allowed to sit at the side of power, especially in the field of education policy, reports Karam Bales
Robin Simcox’s connections to anti-Muslim conspiracy theories raise concerns across the Atlantic
Nafeez Ahmed reports on the alarm bells raised by the appointment of Robin Simcox as the Lead Commissioner on Countering Extremism
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how a toxic narrative is permeating British government and media to create an increasingly mainstream white nationalist echo chamber
Nafeez Ahmed reports on some of the background to the new TV channel aiming to the challenge the ‘woke’ liberal consensus
Andrew Neil’s Union-Jack-branded platform is backed by a range of foreign and right-wing interests, reports Sam Bright
Nafeez Ahmed reports on the background of the controversial broadcaster whose think tank has been funded by Pro-Donald Trump donors
Nafeez Ahmed examines new tax filings in the US which raise more questions about the influence of the Henry Jackson Society on the UK Government
In the next part of this special Byline Times investigation, Nafeez Ahmed delves into a controversial ‘Alt-Right’ event attended by key figures in a conservative lobbying group with Home Office funding to research Islamist militancy
In the second part of its special investigation, Byline Times reveals how the man credited with inspiring Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ had close links with members of a British conservative lobby group with links to Steve Bannon and the Mercers
The links between an opaque think tank, the Conservative Government and major figures in the Trump campaign can be revealed in this first part of a special Byline Times investigation
Peter Jukes finds more evidence that the origin of the disastrous concept can be traced back to the Prime Minister’s chief advisor Dominic Cummings and his US links.
New analysis by DeSmog raises more questions about the Prime Minister’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency.
Rafal Pankowski laments how a great institution seems to be giving a voice to xenophobia.