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James Doleman looks at the potential constitutional crisis as the two nations drift apart and sees no easy solution.
Brexit is a fault line which has triggered a realignment of loyalties in the island of Ireland – will Northern Ireland be left behind by English nationalism?
Hardeep Matharu speaks to acclaimed playwright Frank McGuinness about where the nationalist Brexit project being trumpeted by Boris Johnson could end up
Paul Niland takes inspiration from the Ukrainian EuroMaidan revolution and argues that fundamental forces will stop Britain from moving too far away from the EU.
Brexiters loaned Boris Johnson their votes in the 2019 General Election, which was dominated by the issue of Britain leaving the EU – can Labour win back their natural supporters next time around?
Brexit has become an identity conflict in Britain. It is Danny Boyle’s London Olympics Opening Ceremony versus the Last Night of the Proms. Where do we go from here?
Hardeep Matharu reflects on the personal story of her parents’ political shift towards the right – and what it might represent about Britain as a whole.
Film-maker Sheridan Flynn explores English identity through an Irish lens and what Britain can learn from Ireland about how the divisions of Brexit can ever be healed.
The director of Labour for a Public Vote asks: why are none of the opposition parties using the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal to their advantage?
Stephen Komarnycykj examines how the Leave.EU supremos, Arron Banks and Andy Wigmore, could have an interest in dismantling Britain’s health service.
Paul Niland, founder of Lifeline Ukraine, unpicks what Boris Johnson and Donald Trump might be looking to hide – and how this fits within Vladimir Putin’s broader vision to takeover the West.
James Melville argues that the appeal of the Conservative Party to the UK electorate is the greatest British political tragedy of the modern era.
Jake Lynch visits the Warwickshire constituency with a slim Conservative majority of 4,000 high on Labour’s list of targets.
“The sword of Damocles” remains over Boris Johnson’s head as the highest court in Scotland rejected the government’s call to end a legal action over a Brexit extension reports James Doleman.
Otto English explores the Conservative Party’s transformation into a platform for right-wing populism – and how so much has been lost as a result.
Hardeep Matharu explores a new National Trust project designed to shed light on the colonial roots of country houses and the need for a more honest, less mythical discussion of Britain’s past.
Byline Times has information that the prime minister’s backing by hedge funds invested in a hard Brexit is coming under scrutiny by the Cabinet Office.
BeLeave whistleblower Shahmir Sanni named various individuals involved in electoral wrongdoing during the 2016 EU Referendum – now they’re in power.
The complicated love-hate relationship of immigrants from former colonies with the British Empire cannot be ignored if lessons are to be learned in post-Brexit Britain, says Hardeep Matharu
The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s final report on disinformation and fake news reveals new evidence and calls for new investigations into dark data, dark money and Russian influence in British elections.
As Steve Bannon is identified of the ‘High-Ranking’ Trump Campaign official in the Roger Stone indictment, the question of Russian collusion not only moves upwards to the President, but across the Atlantic
The first in an occasional series to accompany the UNTOLD: Dial M for Mueller podcast with Carole Cadwalldr on why Britain needs an FBI-style investigation into Brexit.