Following our expose of finance and big business affiliations of 20 of the Brexit Party would be MEP’s, we’re happy to republish a DeSmog article on the other common thread: Meet the Brexit Party’s Climate Change Deniers
Following yesterday’s revelations that the ‘Donate’ and ‘Registered Member’ functions on the Brexit Party site were open to abuse with multiple donations, Turlough Conway finds another huge anomaly in the party’s crowd funding claims.
Though Theresa May’s Government gave itself a deadline of July 2019 to report on progress against UN Sustainable Development Goals, it now seems to be hiding its lack of action.
“It couldn’t be less secure” is Turlough Conway’s conclusion as he looks at Nigel Farage’s “Never seen anything like it” claim of mass donations to his new party.
Otto English delves deeper into Claire Fox and Spiked Online’s close connection to Nigel Farage’s new party, and discovers another PR executive involved in recruiting potential MEPs.
Peter Jukes argues that the public broadcaster is easily gamed by bad actors and vested interests who can break the rules with impunity – just like so many other key British institutions.
Otto English on the PR person behind the apparently spontaneous Leavers for Britain movement and her Westminster Think Tank connections.
As Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage dodges more questions about who is bankrolling his new ‘grassroots movement’, Otto English asks: why the need for secrecy?
Psychologist and therapist Emmy van Deurzen argues that, beyond the lies and propaganda around Brexit, something more dangerous may be at play – self-deception.
Otto English on how it’s not only Claire Fox who is taking the wheels off the Brexit Party bus.
Populist, anti-elitist, libertarian? Nigel Farage’s new party doesn’t have any ‘members’ and is secretive, authoritarian and looks like a one man dictatorship.
Otto English on the weird moral maze of would-be Brexit Party MEP Claire Fox and her Spiked Network.
On St George’s day, Matthew Durkin argues that Andrew Marr of all people should know the real grievances behind the Brexit vote — English nationalism.
MEPs have backed “Daphne’s Law” amid concerns over the treatment of citizens and journalists who expose corruption and malpractice in the public interest. But key exemptions remain in place.
Oliver Norgrove, a former Nigel Farage admirer and Vote Leaver staffer, explains how Brexit broke itself on the back of ‘grotesque simplifications’.
Patrick Howse spent decades reporting news for the BBC, risking life and limb. He believed in Auntie’s credo. But the former producer says the corporation’s unquestioning Brexit coverage has now crossed the line.
Exclusive research by The Overtake reveals that party once led by Nigel Farage has the worst attendance record across the whole continent
Byline Times’ regular wire-service rounding all the bad news fit to print about Britain’s pending exit from the EU
The complicated love-hate relationship of immigrants from former colonies with the British Empire cannot be ignored if lessons are to be learned in post-Brexit Britain, says Hardeep Matharu
The Count of the Saxon Shore recalls how an aggressive Leave Campaign led to de-industrialisation and porous borders
Alex Varley-Winter on the Lost Week in Westminster, as Britain faces ‘Third Country’ Limbo, 10000 tons of Sheep and 2,000,000 tons of Landfill.
As the Brexit fuse burns to its cinder, what the UK needs more than ever, is a more acceptance that many Britons are simply bewildered as to what the hell is going on. That doesn’t make them stupid – it makes them normal.
After the targeting of a Byline Times writer to the death threats against the author of a parliamentary petition, it looks like right-wing publications are pandering to the incitement tactics of the extreme Far Right – fake claims of violence
Byline Times regular update on all the news about Britain’s pending exit from the EU
Now seems like a good time to launch a new newspaper – but not for the reasons many expect. The heart of our paper will be investigations. We will follow the story wherever it goes, without fear or favour. No PR company, advertiser or press baron can influence the stories we choose.
The UK, according to the latest polling, is now chiefly a Remain country. At the opposite end of Brexit spectrum, this week a handful of prominent Leavers performed a swift volte-face and decided to throw their full support behind Prime Minister Theresa May’s contentious Brexit deal.
A comprehensive round-up of what other media around the world are reporting about the looming exit of the UK from the European Union.
As every day brings more uncertainty, Otto English asks how long will it take Brexit voters to accept that they have fallen prey to a vast Ponzi scheme?
This month DIT Minister George Hollingbery quietly assigned its entire ambit to Fox himself, on a ‘temporary’ basis, as part of Brexit ‘contingency’ measures, but with zero Parliamentary oversight.
Trump’s top donor, Robert Mercer, is at the centre of a multimillion-dollar anti-Muslim propaganda industry responsible for creating and spreading the same Islamophobic rhetoric found in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto.
He’s head of one of the biggest hedge funds in Europe, a major contributor to the official Vote Leave campaign, and – along with Crispin Odey – one of the largest beneficiaries of the post-Brexit chaos: but Sir Paul Marshall is more than that.
One of the key players in Britain’s vote to leave the EU referred to the Scottish National Party as a “series of circus acts” when challenged over Brexit law.
For too long we’ve relied on unwritten norms to underpin our governance – norms of honesty, shame, resignation or apology for misleading parliament and the public or breaking ethical rules and professional guidelines… We need a written constitution to protect the public…
Six safeguarding bills are not passed and the Government continues to stall on anti-corruption law in Financial Services Bill
As the country lurches towards March 29th – Zugzwang Brexit is where our politicians are now at. So what can be done?
While this elite group have profited from the last three years of economic uncertainty real household incomes have dropped almost £1,000 and the average household will lose between £2,519 to £5,573 over the next 15 years.
A weekly comprehensive round-up of what others are writing about the looming exit of the UK from the European Union.
As serious allegations about Leave EU Official and Arron Banks continue to come out – the media and political class are complicit in a conspiracy of silence, says Otto English
Why the West took a risk ignoring Russia’s subversive infiltration in Ukraine.
Natalia Kaliada of the Belarus Free Theatre and Mark and Marichka Marczyk explain how protestors can’t abandon the barricades if they are to defend their freedoms.