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In the light of revelations that Prince Andrew was funded by a major Conservative donor and the Banque Havilland, Turlough Conway explores the connection with another major political donor Dmytro Firtash
Turlough Conway on how a new legal case against Boris Johnson raises more questions about money laundered in London and Conservative connections to Russia.
Turlough Conway reports on two men associated with the murder of Malta’s most famous journalist, who were key donors to Nigel Farage’s pan-European political project.
With the Brexit Party leader mooted to take up the position of our Man in Washington, Byline Times has some important security and background checks for him.
Following yesterday’s revelations that the ‘Donate’ and ‘Registered Member’ functions on the Brexit Party site were open to abuse with multiple donations, Turlough Conway finds another huge anomaly in the party’s crowd funding claims.
“It couldn’t be less secure” is Turlough Conway’s conclusion as he looks at Nigel Farage’s “Never seen anything like it” claim of mass donations to his new party.