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Populist, anti-elitist, libertarian? Nigel Farage’s new party doesn’t have any ‘members’ and is secretive, authoritarian and looks like a one man dictatorship.
Trump’s top donor, Robert Mercer, is at the centre of a multimillion-dollar anti-Muslim propaganda industry responsible for creating and spreading the same Islamophobic rhetoric found in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto.
Roger Stone’s speakerphone conversation with Trump about Wikileaks and hacked emails coincides with a secretive meeting between Stone and Nigel Farage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland that year.
The former UKIP leader has promised to wipe out the Conservatives if they don’t deliver Brexit, but what else do we know about his new political venture?
As Steve Bannon is identified of the ‘High-Ranking’ Trump Campaign official in the Roger Stone indictment, the question of Russian collusion not only moves upwards to the President, but across the Atlantic
The arrest of Trump’s long time political advisor for his contact with Wikileaks and Russian hacking of the Democratic Party has two key leads to the UK and Brexit
The first in an occasional series to accompany the UNTOLD: Dial M for Mueller podcast with Carole Cadwalldr on why Britain needs an FBI-style investigation into Brexit.