It’s the latest hint that Reform UK would privatise the NHS
Bridgepoint, Bupa, Centene, Spire and UnitedHealth have been implicated in a litany of scandals and controversies in the UK and America
Max Colbert and Josiah Mortimer explore the chequered history of the current favourites for the NHS’ new Data Platform.
Six-in-ten voters don’t trust the Government’s promise to keep the National Health Service in public hands
Consultant David Oliver explains how Boris Johnson’s lies continue to have a devastating impact on the infrastructure of healthcare in the UK
A judge has ordered full disclosure in a case which deprived 50,000 NHS doctors of legal whistleblowing protection
The infiltration of private sector providers into state services amounts to the robbery of resources that belong to us all, says Rachel Morris
Private sector interests can be found across four different layers of the NHS – from limited clinical care to management consultancy
What is in the new Health and Social Care Bill? How will it change the NHS and what do those changes mean? And what’s missing from the Bill? Read on to find out…
Byline Times reveals a startling rise in the number of people detained under the Mental Health Act, just as the number of mental health beds owned by private healthcare providers increases
A report shows that despite paying £1.69 billion for private hospital bed capacity during the pandemic, the 187 private hospitals involved accounted less than 1% of COVID-19 bed occupancy
Firms that have won large Coronavirus contracts have paid millions of pounds in fines from Government regulatory bodies in the past decade
The 99% Organisation reveals how ministers could use the Health & Care Bill to transform the NHS into something like the US healthcare system
In the second part of her investigative series on corporate interests in the NHS, Sian Norris explores how private sector NHS spending has increased – but so have waiting lists, staff vacancies, and patient dissatisfaction
In the first of a series of investigations into the corporate takeover of the NHS, Sian Norris considers what NHS privatisation looks like now, and what could change with the new Health and Social Care Bill