Councils are flogging off local treasures as cuts continue to bite. This is a list of just some of the assets currently on the market
Max Colbert reports from Dartmoor where a Court Ruling has provoked a mass demonstration this weekend over the ancient right to camp in the National Park
Nafeez Ahmed predicted the 2008 financial crash. But it was not resolved and has led to a more profound crisis which will require a major restructuring of the global economy to survive
As Kwasi Kwarteng faces questions over his attendance at a cocktail party with financiers, Byline Times’ Editor Hardeep Matharu asks why this newspaper’s warnings from three years ago about the influence of hedge fund donors in politics were ignored
Nafeez Ahmed investigates Jacob Rees-Mogg’s relationship with his former hedge-fund mentor and political donor Robin Crispin Odey
As the cost of living crisis mounts, Rowland Atkinson and Andrew Baker look at the stagnation of wages and the rising polarisation between renters and owners of assets
Conservative candidates are making increasingly wild tax cut pledges, which can only be paid for by drastically cutting public services, reports Adam Bienkov
As the media rightly focus on the PM’s alleged COVID rule-breaking, financial institutions quietly report pandemic profits, reports Tim Coles
Iain Overton traces the evolution of the Muscular Christianity of British Public Schools into post-imperial Muscular Capitalism and explains this is far from charitable
An undercover investigation by Byline Times reveals military personnel and veterans on far-right Telegram channels, and how the far-right in the Us and UK use military tropes to recruit and spread their message
Heidi Siegmund Cuda talks to veteran tax investigator Martin Sheil about how much the incoming Biden administration could do by enforcing existing laws
Tom White, Ben Jacob and Crystal Ma look at how private firms and billionaire donors could benefit from the radical restructuring of universities during the Coronavirus pandemic
Nafeez Ahmed reports on a new contract with the giant haulage firm whose executive chairman has donated nearly £1 million to the Conservatives.
Byline Times has information that the prime minister’s backing by hedge funds invested in a hard Brexit is coming under scrutiny by the Cabinet Office.
A documentary by Channel 4 confirms Byline Times’ concerns about the potentially damaging role of hedge funds and city traders who are the Prime Minister’s main financial backers.
He’s head of one of the biggest hedge funds in Europe, a major contributor to the official Vote Leave campaign, and – along with Crispin Odey – one of the largest beneficiaries of the post-Brexit chaos: but Sir Paul Marshall is more than that.
While this elite group have profited from the last three years of economic uncertainty real household incomes have dropped almost £1,000 and the average household will lose between £2,519 to £5,573 over the next 15 years.