A council has refused a family homelessness support as they are satisfied the mother has accommodation in a country riven by conflict and violence, Sian Norris reports
Canadian diplomat and politician Christopher Alexander argues that Putin is still fighting the wars of the 20th Century, and reversing his invasion of Ukraine could finally put those ghosts to rest
The second part of Jonathan Fenton-Harvey’s assessment of the Arab Spring explores how the lives of people living in the region could still be improved with the help of a West committed to democratic reform
Ten years on from its origin in Tunisia, Jonathan Fenton Harvey assesses the chequered fate of the uprisings against autocrats in Egypt, Libya and Syria
Duncan Campbell and Richard Norton-Taylor report on a new legal case which seeks to uncover the truth behind the London Libyan Embassy shooting in 1984
Political posturing has duped the West into celebrating a hollow Arab-Israeli accord, reports Jonathan Fenton-Harvey
Steve Shaw reports on an exclusive event in the heart of London’s Mayfair which brings together politicians, businessman and media personalities.
While European states focus on their own interests, the EU’s ability to act as a peace-maker in conflict situations will be increasingly restricted, argues Jonathan Fenton-Harvey.