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Western hypocrisy nearly scuppered global climate negotiations. But now the direction of travel is clear. Byline Times’ columnist sums up his conclusions after addressing the Dubai summit
Influential agribusiness monopolists and food producers appear to be cynically using the war in Ukraine and the aftermath of the pandemic to exert political influence, writes Thomas Perrett
Nafeez Ahmed predicted the 2008 financial crash. But it was not resolved and has led to a more profound crisis which will require a major restructuring of the global economy to survive
A new analysis of undocumented military carbon emissions estimates that they are equivalent to 85% of all carbon emitted by all the world’s passenger cars, reports Nafeez Ahmed
A new report suggests that, far from being alarmist, the real social and economic dangers of the climate emergency are outside of boundaries of traditional climate science
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the Russian energy giant Gazprom planned to control Ukraine’s gas and backed Donald Trump due to Putin’s existential fear of net zero
The country is following a familiar pattern of environmental, energy and economic-driven state failure – and if the next government refuses to break with neoliberal orthodoxy, it will only accelerate this downwards trajectory, writes Nafeez Ahmed
The sacking of the Chancellor is a symptom of the escalating incoherence of Liz Truss’ Government – not a sign that it is changing course to become more coherent, writes Nafeez Ahmed
A mass roll-out of home insulation, heating efficiency and heat-pumps could rapidly eliminate gas dependence in Europe – and neuter Putin’s most potent energy weapon, writes Nafeez Ahmed
Patrick Galey takes a deep dive into why the global food crisis prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a sign of things to come
New research confirms that renewables have been generating far more net energy than fossil fuels for years, reports Nafeez Ahmed
Fossil fuels face extinction says Nafeez Ahmed, but we will still need to grapple with the financial chaos of stranded assets, an unravelling geopolitical order, and dangerous climate change
Scientists are warning that the climate situation is so dire that we will not only need to withdraw carbon from the atmosphere but begin exploring controversial solar geoengineering technologies to cool the planet, reports Nafeez Ahmed
The actions of government military and intelligence agencies are increasing the ‘hyperthreat’ of climate and environmental change, according to new research
The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act will allow the creeping increased use of AI by law enforcement agencies to continue, reports Catherine Connolly
As the prevailing global food system heads toward disaster, scientists are discovering exciting opportunities that could make nutritious food cheap, clean and abundant for all without hurting the planet. Nafeez Ahmed reports
Three years ago, Nafeez Ahmed predicted the world could plunge into a long-term global food catastrophe triggered by climate-driven droughts in Asia. Now scientists are warning this could be a precursor to a ‘global polycrisis’
A landmark report by the United Nations concludes that ‘global collapse’ is becoming more likely. But was it watered-down before being published?
The warning comes as diesel prices have shot up – leading to dramatic losses in profits for transport operators, reports Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed reports on contingency planners for financial institutions who believe a combination of energy and food shocks will cause major social disruption