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Mark Conrad reports on how, despite pressure on the Health Secretary Matt Hancock to routinely test NHS staff to suppress the Coronavirus, no plans are forthcoming.
Stephen Colegrave investigates whether the new UK Government support package is going to help the working population or just prop up big business.
John Ashton, the former senior public health director who first questioned the UK Government’s response to COVID-19 on the BBC, finds a ray of hope.
Stefan Simanowitz recounts how counterclaim and backlash over a flawed Government policy wasted precious days in the UK’s fight against the Coronavirus.
Mutual aid groups are popping up all over Britain, helping those stuck in self-isolation. Through their example, we can also learn to combat decades-old injustices writes Nick McAlpin.
The science didn’t change – the politics did. Peter Jukes follows an inflammatory and disastrous theory as it spread rapidly through the British body politic.
Mike Buckley sets out the Government’s strategy towards the COVID-19 outbreak so far and explores why its handling of it already raises much bigger questions about the country’s governance – concerns which have been there all along.
Army veteran Steve Jones reports from the hidden frontline in Stoke on the battle against the COVID-19 outbreak, now raging in shops, homes and hospitals.
Brian Cathcart on why reporting that helps people form a balanced understanding of the Coronavirus outbreak so that they can make up their own minds in an informed way is absolutely vital.
The COVID-19 outbreak is causing significant concern for the global economy and individual households.
CJ Werleman explains why a national philosophy of selfishness and a President who willingly spreads disinformation is such as a threat to America as it tackles the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mike Buckley explains how Boris Johnson’s administration has one of the laxest responses to the pandemic compared to other countries and believes it is unnecessarily putting lives at risk.
As a former consultant to the Department of Health, Stephen Colegrave explains how premature deaths are under-recorded and demands full transparency over government scientific advice.
Otto English explores why Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings’ supposed strategy of tackling the Coronavirus through the UK population developing ‘herd immunity’ is so dangerous to us all.
Otto English explores the disinformation which has been spreading as fast as the Coronavirus and considers the soil which allowed the denigration of facts and expertise to flower.
CJ Werleman reports on how China is meeting organ transplant demand when the country has a voluntary donor rate of only one for every two million citizens.
With existing pressures on the NHS, will the health service be able to cope with increased cases of the highly contagious virus?
CJ Werleman explains why the Trump Administration’s response to the Coronavirus provides a glimpse of its dystopian future.
While authoritarians try to build nationalist walls, infectious diseases don’t respect boundaries and need transnational solutions argues CJ Werleman.
If the Coronavirus takes hold in the UK, how would the economy be impacted and why is the Government not reassuring businesses?
CJ Werleman on why the tropes of Orientalism are at play towards Chinese people over health concerns, in the same way that Muslims are targeted through the ‘War on Terror’.