A systems lens suggests a quarter of GDP could evaporate on a pathway to violent civil unrest, concentration camps, and genocidal violence that would be a free gift to Putin
As Reform UK draws the UK’s media eye at a press conference today, Hope Not Hate argues it’s time for journalists to call it out
Asylum seekers are “living in limbo” in the UK, worried they could be put on a plane at any moment, as the controversial scheme returns to the House of Commons on Monday
NatCon Brussels is creating a network of radical right speakers from the UK, Europe and the US which often aim to roll back reproductive and sexuality rights
Whether laughing at racism, or associating with the promoters of eugenics and anti-Muslim think tanks, the Communities Secretary is indicted by his own definition
The head of community engagement at MEND responds to the Government classifying the organisation as ‘extremist’
The second anti-Muslim hatred advisor proposed in a week has problematic connections to the Quilliam Foundation and the Gatestone Institute
Exclusive: Leaked plans reveal which groups could be labeled ‘extremist’ by the Government
The CEO of one of the organisations likely to be targeted by the Government’s forthcoming ‘extremism’ definition speaks out against its chilling effects
The extension of the controversial counter-extremism program into immigration and asylum processes risks embedding racism at our borders
Adam Barnett wonders why the Reform Party and its leader are treated as mainstream when they’re not
The proposed change to the definition of extremism risks tipping society into a dystopian political space, argues Adeeb Ayton
The 11 minute awareness course mandatory for many public service workers is in danger of turning into a propaganda tool
Though cited as by the right as a symbol of the dangers and Islam and fundamentalism, the novelist now sees the threats to free speech as “political more than primarily religious”
One of the key elements of the Georgia false statement criminal statute is ‘knowing’ misrepresentations are false
The Fulton Country District Attorney is looking at the same facts as the federal indictment, but under different laws and with the potential for new uninvestigated evidence
Byline Times delves into the Michaela Community School and its key backers.
Byline Times investigates a small but vocal “anti-anti fascist” group that is increasingly targeting the left.
Facing multiple charges for offences in Romania, the social media influencer now faces new civil claims in the UK
Far right groups have infiltrated anti-LGBTQ+ protests, and are influencing government policy a new report reveals
Pedro Sánchez hopes to win over wavering centrist votes in a snap election. But what of the potential king makers on the far right and far left?
Angelo Calianno spoke to supporters of the Turkish opposition during the two ballots in the closely fought Presidential election against Recep Erdoğan
Demonisation of migrants and a focus on ‘going back’ to some made-up glorious past means Brits need to be alert to ‘fascism’, XR activist Dirk Campbell tells Josiah Mortimer
Katherine Denkinson delves into some of the bizarre connections between right-wing student politics, anti-Drag Queen protestors and allegations of smuggling
Karam Bales looks at the senior British Conservatives appearing at the National Conservatism Conference with its international right wing network, from Peter Thiel to Viktor Orbán
When Dr Ella Cockbain complained to the broadcast regulator that the GBNews channel encourages violent hatred, she was subjected to it on social media. Brian Cathcart reports
Dan Clayton looks at a rising tide of martial, dehumanising and manipulative metaphors over asylum seekers and migrants in the UK
Whether through propagating theories about ‘Eurabia’ or the Great Replacement, mainstream publications have helped radicalise public opinion, says Julian Petley
Nafeez Ahmed and Karam Bales report on a ‘free speech’ campaign with ties to the Hungarian Government and its record of curtailing freedom of expression
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the most influential think-tank in Boris Johnson’s Government has ties to an anarchist Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the most influential think-tank in Boris Johnson’s Government has ties to an anarchist movement, through its top ‘extremism’ expert
CJ Werleman says Fox News has become the media arm for white domestic terrorism and would-be right-wing terrorists around the world
The Russian President’s Victory Day Speech and his Foreign Minister’s comments suggest of a fully-fledged antisemitic ideology is rearing its head in Russia
An ex-Royal Marine Special Forces operations planner turned spy agency consultant is advising on the appointment of the next top counter-extremism commissioner