Tom Cordell examines the approach taken to create modern homes in Liverpool where, although land values are low, there are still challenges to overcome.
The Spanish Government has legislated to limit rent increases to match inflation – thanks to an energising new housing strategy being implemented by Barcelona’s Mayor.
The Labour Mayor of London’s plan for the capital makes clear that the spirit of neoliberalism still haunts City Hall.
Tom Cordell on why a longer-term strategy of building houses and creating employment in tandem across the UK may be the only way out of the housing crisis.
Tom Cordell on how the new Government’s plans to increase home ownership will only result in housing inequality rising further in the UK.
Tom Cordell on why the Mayor of London’s plans to control private rents in the capital could be the revolution required to break through the housing crisis.
Tom Cordell continues his series on the housing crisis by looking at plans in Lambeth, south London, to use land assets to plug the gap in Government funding for local services.
Tom Cordell reports on an endangered proposal by local people in north London to force developers to provide genuinely affordable homes.
In a new Byline Times series, ‘City for Sale’, film-maker and writer Tom Cordell outlines the reasons behind the housing crisis, the role played by politicians and the property and financial sectors, and the possible solutions.