Since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine Central Asian states and the EU have been forging ties to end their reliance on the sanctioned country
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has cost it thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars – but its military influence has also taken a major hit
Russia’s Recklessness with Zaporizhzhia – Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant
Ten years on from the Euromaidan uprising, Ukrainians are still fighting for freedom and to be part of the European Union
The EU and the UK are supporting Ukraine at a crucial juncture in its war against Russia, argues Mark Temnycky.
In the midst of war, Ukraine has made exceptional progress on meeting the requirements for joining the alliance argues Mark Temnycky
Despite being banned from international competitions, Russia is using football as a strategic way of building economic and diplomatic ties, writes Mark Temnycky.
Despite their leader’s support for Russia, most Belarusians oppose the war with Ukraine, argues Mark Temnycky
Russia’s relationship with Hamas is well-known and well-documented
By aligning itself with the Kremlin, the Georgian Dream party is at odds with the country’s population who want to move closer to NATO and the EU
New Kremlin purges only cement Russia’s hardline commitment to the disastrous invasion
President Lukashenka has colluded with Putin in the forced transfer of children, and should face the same sanctions
Mark Temnycky explores the consequences on global food supplies of what appears to be yet another example of the Kremlin’s ecological terrorism
On the anniversary of VE Day, Mark Temnycky argues that Europe is more united than it has been since World War Two, but still needs to secure two more nations against Russian aggression
Mark Temnycky looks at the turbulence in Tbilisi, Georgians’ desire to join the EU, and the authoritarian drift of the ruling Dream Party
Though gas prices have fallen they are expected to rise again this Summer, so Europe can waste no more time diversifying its energy market, says Mark Temnycky
Mark Temnycky shows how the greatest victims of Russian disinformation are Russians themselves
Mark Temnycky says that though Russia gambled to finance far-right politicians in Western elections this year, the attempt to stifle support for Ukraine has failed badly
With the liberation of Kherson and no ‘red wave’ in the US Congress, Mark Temnycky considers how Russia faces defeats on the ground and a loss of influence