‘Human suffering should not be weighed and measured – but the unfortunate reality of diplomatic and humanitarian relief is that crises are often left to compete. Those that get no media, get no help’
Whether the development has an impact on the conflict or not – it seems to represent a diametric shift in the Kremlin’s involvement in Sudan
Barney Cullum argues that Sudan’s corruption-fuelled civil war has a large cast of enablers, including British businesses, undermining the health of the nation
Simon Speakman Cordall explains how China’s unparalleled access to African markets is also causing the kind of political turmoil that undermines its interests
Simon Speakman Cordall reports on the origins of the conflict and the stake neighbouring countries have in it
Sudanese refugees have historically formed one of the largest groups entering the UK via ‘irregular routes’ – the current conflict will inevitably increase their numbers, reports Lauren Crosby Medlicott
Brian Latham reveals the role of Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin in the violence in Sudan