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Odeon Of Death Film of the Month: Planet of the Goats

The Odeon of Death takes a look at the month’s events through the medium of cinema.

Film of the Month
Planet of the Goats

The Odeon of Death takes a look at the month’s events through the medium of cinema.

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Planet of the Goats (2020)

After COVID-19 wipes out humanity, an astronaut discovers goats now run the world, with an economy based on milk, Gouda and cashmere gloves. But their reign is short-lived after they find it tricky to swipe card-pay machines with their clattery hooves.

A longer version of this review will be published in this month’s print edition of Byline Times.

The Odeon of Death, AKA Ali Catterall, can be found on Twitter at @OdeonofDeath.

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