Across: 10 Stablemates, 11 Phnom Penh, 13 Jetsam, 14 Slap-happy, 15 Iowa, 16 Gyroscopes, 19 Newfangled, 20 Profiler, 21 Mealy-mouthed, 23 Social climbers, 25 Peep, 27 Taro, 28 Trading estates, 31 Refrigerator, 33 Repartee, 34 Adventurer, 36 Alimentary, 37 Tsar, 38 Obfuscate, 40 Tin can, 42 Telemeter, 43 Undercharge.
Down: 1 Steelyard, 2 Ibis, 3 Vermicelli, 4 Sarsaparilla, 5 Mega, 6 Chip away, 7 Polygamous, 8 Spring, 9 Unsweetened, 12 Phantasmagoria, 17 Off-colour, 18 Simple interest, 22 Top-secret, 24 Ex-servicemen, 26 Haberdasher, 28 Tightropes, 29 Apprentice, 30 Rearrange, 32 Rarefied, 35 Earner, 39 A one, 41 Naan.
10 Reliable (STABLE) + pairs (MATES) = STABLEMATES (cohabitants),
11 Representative (MP) contained (involved) in anagram (breaking) of PHONE + (N)ew + (H)ospital = PHNOM PENH (city),
13 Morning (AM) follows (after) courses (JETS) = JETSAM (discarded stuff),
14 Attack (SLAP) + dwarf (HAPPY)= SLAP-HAPPY (irresponsible),
15 Homophone (out loud) of I owe her (one is in debt to woman) = IOWA (state),
16 Homophone (by phone) of payments (giros/GYROS) preceeds (before) magages (COPES) = GYROSCOPES (toys),
19 Previously unknown (NEW) + woman (F) + inclined (ANGLED) = NEWFANGLED (overly complicated),
20 In favour of (PRO) + dossier (FILE) + 1st letter (leader) of (R)adical = PROFILER (police assistant),
21 Anagram (unfold) of DUO LET MAYHEM = MEALY-MOUTHED (reticent),
23 Do (SOCIAL) + an example (some) represented by plants (CLIMBERS) = SOCIAL CLIMBERS (people with aspirations),
25 PEEP = look, forwards and backwards,
27 Answer hidden (discovered) in qaTAR Originally = TARO (tropical plant),
28 Dealing (TRADING) + assets (ESTATES) = TRADING ESTATES (work places),
31 Anagram (thrown) of RAF RIOTER with EG (for example) + (R)ight = REFRIGERATOR (cooler),
33 Subject (RE) + some of (PART) + service provider (EE) = REPARTEE (humour),
34 Now (AD) + project (VENTURE) + (R)un = ADVENTURER (speculator),
36 A + tree (LIME) + commeNTARY minus (not) like in French (comme) = ALIMENTARY (concerned with food),
37 Answer hidden (centre) in upseTS ARmy = TSAR (tyrant),
38 Anagram (all over the place) of OCT FEB USA = OBFUSCATE (cloud),
40 A huge number (TN, trillion) surrounding ancient Peruvian (INCA) = TIN CAN (container),
42 whimsical notion of what a data trasmission device, TELEMETER, might measure,
43 What you might not be able to do if you don’t earn enough (UNDERCHARGE).
1 Determined (STEELY) + A + way (RD) = STEELYARD (balance),
2 Initial letters (starts to) of words 4-7 = IBIS (bird),
3 VERy minus the last letter (nearly) + reversal (flipping) of sick (ILL) containing (infesting) pests (MICE) = VERMICELLI (pasta),
4 Homophone (reportedly) of less well (iller/ILLA) follows (after) A + standard (PAR) with disease (SARS) at the start (initially) = SARSAPARILLA (plant),
5 Reversal (retrospective) of article (A) + treasure(GEM) = MEGA (tremendous) ,
6 Damage (CHIP) + on holiday (AWAY) = CHIP AWAY (gradually reduce),
7 Anagram (is totally ruined) of a combination of the alternate (every other) letters of fUlSoMe + APOLOGY = POLYGAMOUS (having many binding commitments) ,
8 The latest (SP) + gang (RING) = SPRING (origin),
9 Anagram (rent) of WE NEEDN’T USE = UNSWEETENED (something sugar-free),
12 Anagram (transplant) of A MISHAP AT ORGAN = PHANTASMAGORIA (strange succession of images),
17 Rancid (off) + sauce (COLOUR) = OFF-COLOUR (poorly),
18 Naive (SIMPLE) + curiosity (INTEREST) = SIMPLE INTEREST (return),
22 Best (TOP) + answer (SECRET) = TOP-SECRET (very restricted),
24 Old (EX) + how vicars might be described (SERVICEMEN) = EX-SERVICEMEN (forces people who’ve retired),
26 Anagram (angrily) of HE HEARD ARABS = HABERDASHER (American word for outfitter),
28 Close (TIGHT) + ties (ROPES) = TIGHTROPES (circus equipment),
29 Anagram (disrupted) of CENTRE I following (at the end of) program (APP) = APPRENTICE (student) ,
30 Bottom (REAR) + limit (RANGE) = REARRANGE (alter),
32 Artist (RA) + polished (REFInED) minus a homophone (I’m told) of the 1st (initially) sound of kneeling = RAREFIED (having become thinner),
35 Hesitation (ER) surrounding (accepting) composer (ARNE) = EARNER (means of making money),
39 Homophone (allegedly) of tutu (twotwo) separated into two two, with each part halved – the 1st two becomes A, the second bit ONE = A ONE (top quality), 41 Granny (NAN) surrounding (ate) A = NAAN (bread).