History, music, cooking, travel, books, theatre, film – but also with an eye on the ‘culture wars’, nationalism and identity.
The Count of the Saxon Shore provides another insight into the ‘Great Brexit from Rome’
Natalia Kaliada of the Belarus Free Theatre and Mark and Marichka Marczyk explain how protestors can’t abandon the barricades if they are to defend their freedoms.
Feminism continues its roller-coaster ride in 2019. Justice for Women has successfully supported Sally Challen’s bid for a re-trial on the grounds that her former husband, who she killed in 2010, exerted coercive control over her. Emma Thompson’s resignation letter from the Skydance movie-in-the-making ‘Luck’ has been hailed as a “rallying cry” for the Time’s…
Need a kick up the bum to get you moving again? Shanghai is the spot. It’s a global city on the rise and there’s no shortage of interesting, exciting and inspiring sites, sounds and tastes to leave you feeling ready to take on the world.
Millennials, and the generation that followed them, have often been painted as self-obsessed, image-conscious, fixated on the picture that they present to the world. But we only need look at the sad tale of Gesche Gottfried to understand that we’ve always been vain creatures.
If this column were to have a mascot, it would be a mushroom. Fungi are everywhere, they are important, they are deeply weird and we know very little about them.
Whistleblower and digital activist Shahmir Sanni launches his column: RACE AND REBELLION
Tina Gharavi launches her new regular column on Tribalism with a tour of the Iranian Revolution, Exile The Smashing Pumpkins, and how Brexit is making Britain an alien place.
The Count of the Saxon Shore welcomes the Duchess of the South Saxons, and the arrival of her heir, with that ancient Mercian salutation: “‘Ay up me duck.”
For most of us in the so-called developed world, death is rarely confronted head-on. At best, it’s ‘the rumble of distant thunder at a picnic’.
Seen historically as Germany’s sleepy neighbour, Austria – and Vienna in particular – is having a moment all its own. Don’t miss it.
As I stare out at that grey whale-road the English Channel it no longer seems absurd to make that boldest of historical parallels for Brexit: the end of the Roman Empire in Britain. Well, at least gives me an opportunity to properly talk about English identity. Yes, I want my country back. I want us…
As Facebook and other global tech giants come under scrutiny over the way they amass our data, John Mitchinson reveals how Google has less information
With International Women’s Week fast approaching, Ms. Suffragette gives her pick of the most interesting events to attend.
The Viennese take coffee very seriously – nigh on a religion. If you go, you’ll undoubtedly hear about how coffee was introduced to the city in the late 17th Century… The story is, of course, complete rubbish.
We live in strange times. Familiarity is draining from our lives; old political alignments are dissolving; the weather is unpredictable and violent. But perhaps we should try harder to embrace the strangeness: after all, we are made from the most unlikely thing in the universe.
As archaeologists are increasingly discovering, humanity has always been interconnected, relying on the exchange of ideas to function.
The conflict in Ukraine came with the suppression of hopeful young people waving the blue and yellow flag of the EU. They saw in that symbol a sign of hope that we have all but lost sight of in the UK.
While it’s sometimes fairly lazy to find a contemporary angle to finish on, Rudolf’s story does bring to mind several political leaders as of late, unable to take the reins and engage with a fracturing, divided populace.
“I start every day with a flat white at my local café. Then, when I get home from work, I pop down to the beach for a sunset swim. Living is Sydney is like being on permanent vacation.”
Society must understand the human story behind crime to deal with it, according to the creators of Crooks.
Calls for change from within the press are welcome but will make no lasting difference – the only workable remedy is effective, independent regulation that takes racism seriously, says Brian Cathcart
Kamin Mohammadi introduces her regular series on the Bella Figura Method Ten years ago I was stuck in a rut. It was a glamorous rut, but a rut nonetheless. I had finally got my dream job in London, but, in crashing contradiction to all my expectations, it did not make me happy. What’s more, as well…
How the late-lamented rock star conned his record agency into paying for a trip across the USSR, and how he was saved from arrest by two Russian railway guards When I first saw this picture of a young innocent David Bowie with uneven teeth beautifully lit by the sunlight streaming through a carriage window of…
Billions are being easily laundered through unregulated international tax free zones
Since Joey Base left prison in August 2016 he has become one of the most exciting rising stars on the Urban Music scene.