Honestly held opinions and provocative argument based on current events or our recent reports.
A report by the Climate Change Committee shows just how much action the new Labour Government needs to take to achieve the country’s targets
Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, used to be a harsh critic of the former US president – now he’s a “dutiful ventriloquist of the Trumpian gospel”. Here’s what happened
The newspaper has waged a culture war on anyone spreading awareness of verifiable truths about the British Empire and its legacies
The image of a bloodied Trump pumping the air with his fist was instantly iconic – but it also symbolises the power of the mainstream media
Dan Kaszeta, who planned a number of protective advances and protection missions for the United States Secret Service, explores the challenges of USSS protection
Explained: How the media keep getting it so wrong
During a three-year recruitment of 20,000 officers, police were able to achieve gender parity – but when it came to black women, ‘acute discrimination’ was clear
As public satisfaction with the NHS and social care is at an all time low, David OIiver examines exactly what the health service needs to get back on its feet
“Disgust at the callous indifference to the decades of suffering of the Palestinians by both main political parties led to the grassroots movement called The Muslim Vote”
Starmer could relaunch the European Political Community with a defence group of France, Germany, Poland and the UK, to strengthen the European pillar of NATO, and pitch the UK as a strategic partner to the EU
The Britain Labour has inherited is a far less free country than it was just a few years ago, and reversing the slide toward authoritarianism will require a committed and concerted effort
As with the microplastic crisis, the economic market responsible for these catastrophes still insists that we do not let it influence our consumer habits
The latest episode of the hit Media Storm podcast focuses on how political parities missed a trick on TikTok and connecting with young voters – and how the media must do better
Labour has won the 2024 General Election. Let’s take a look back at the multiple crises successive Conservative administrations worsened, created or ignored
Last year China overtook Russia to become Kazakhstan’s biggest trading partner, with two-way trade topping $41 billion. In Central Asia, it is Beijing, rather than the West, that has the capacity to end the era of Russian dominance
More than half of the town of Nelson’s population is Muslim – yet a ‘lack of unity and tribal rivalry’ has split the community over who to vote for
‘For the media to be interviewing political leaders and not even asking the questions is shocking’
While we should not expect too much of an incoming Labour government, we should not forget just how dark the last few years have been, writes Chris Grey
The Conservatives are about to pay the price for 14 years of epic misrule. But while a Labour ‘supermajority’ is in the best interests of the country, it is no guarantee of a return to stability, argues Simon Nixon
How a Conservative campaign line became the weaponised mantra of the Daily Mail – and infected the entire general election campaign
Ahead of this week’s presidential debate, which raised serious concerns about Joe Biden, Bonnie Greer shared her thoughts on why his Vice President may not be seen as an option to succeed him
From lies, incompetence, porn, and golfing bravo in the US – to dull and boring, with a side of rude and shouty in the UK
The normalisation of racism and dog-whistles will only get worse if the press continues to treat Farage as an entertaining figure representing the ‘real views’ of the British people – it must stop, writes Byline Times’ Editor
The latest episode of the hit Media Storm podcast focuses on the shortcomings of Pride Month when it comes to journalism and the corporate world
“We’ve heard a lot in the campaign about D-Day. If ever there was a time to fight them on the beaches, then this is it.”
Mercer has said it is the ‘long-standing policy of successive governments not to comment on the activities of our Special Forces’ – but expects his political rival, Fred Thomas, to deviate from it
Columnist Gerard Baker glossed over the Murdoch press’ criminality in a recent comment piece – and the accusations against his own Editor. Why?
The influence of wildlife charities has been insignificant in the face of the financial and lobbying might of the vested interests profiting from nature destruction, writes Charlie Gardner
There are three legal cases against Tate pending – involving accusations of abusive behaviour towards women, human trafficking, and sexual assault
The latest episode of the hit Media Storm podcast focuses on the more positive narratives around refugees that journalists could disseminate – and why they selectively choose not to
In the US, reporters on The Washington Post are investigating their own bosses – and their stories get published. It is hard to even contemplate such fearless reporting happening in the UK, writes Brian Cathcart
Tactical sites should acknowledge the limitations of MRP projections for their advice, and look hard at how – and whether – they should publish the MRP data, and be more willing to press their manual override buttons
The politicisation of literary events and artistic institutions began when corporate sponsors bought their way into these spaces, writes Russell Warfield
A lawyer with 25 years of experience in the criminal justice system critiques the “underwhelming” pledges made in party manifestos
The Labour leader’s refusal to commit to scrapping George Osborne’s austerity-era policy risks committing hundreds of thousands more children into poverty
Why is the West holding back from the opportunity to seize the $300 billion of frozen Russian money sitting in its banks?
Restrictions on how Ukraine uses weapons supplied by the West should be ditched so it can “achieve a faster victory”
He wants juries to stop finding defendants not guilty and to prevent judges from applying laws “differently” when they involve issues like climate change and anti-racism
Migrant communities could be the hidden kingmakers in a border poll, but to engage they must feel safe
Labour ditched its plans in February but has announced a new net zero transition policy – it isn’t enough
The Conservative manifesto might make a line in an exam paper in 30 years. But voters desperate for change are unlikely to take notice