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Byline Times‘ coverage of the consequences of, and responses to, the climate crisis
Unless the US President’s ‘Green New Deal’ deals with the stranglehold that big business has on food production, his climate emission targets aren’t going to be met
Nafeez Ahmed sees the current energy crisis as a symptom of a deeper malaise – reliance on Russia and fossil fuels – which could lead to spiralling inflation and a perfect global economic storm
Investor-State Disputes Settlements cases circumvent the sovereignty of states and neutralise measures to curtail the power of the fossil fuel industry, reports Thomas Perrett
Celebrated by the Government as part of its green energy solution, it will take more than switching to hydrogen to get the UK to net zero, says Andrew Taylor-Dawson
Thomas Perrett explores how lawsuits which attempt to sue fossil fuel companies for their environmentally destructive business models could yet prove to be effective, particularly given the parallels between Big Oil and Big Tobacco
Decarbonisation cannot be achieved through ineffective and counter-productive carbon pricing measures which fail to raise enough revenue to fight climate change, reports Thomas Perrett
Evidence of the climate crisis has been unavoidable all summer but the UK appears to want to push forward with fossil fuel extraction that will cause more environmental harm
Claire Hamlett reports on the factors contributing to the lack of progress by local councils to reduce carbon emissions in their areas, despite their pledges to do so
As the climate emergency escalates, sparking a new migration crisis, ethno-nationalist forms of politics could undergo a revival, reports Thomas Perrett
Disruptive technologies and societal change could allow us to reach net zero much quicker than anticipated, if we make the right choices now
Just as we underestimated the speed and scale of climate change, Nafeez Ahmed argues, our narrow, linear ways are leading us to underestimate the scope of potential solutions
grouse shooting seasons gets underway, Stuart Spray reports on the negative impacts that driven grouse moors have on biodiversity and climate change
As the IPCC issues its direst warnings yet about an inevitable rise in global warming into the 1.5C danger zone, Nafeez Ahmed proposes a better way out of its dystopian vision
Stuart Heaver reports on the last chance for the Government to avert the sewage pollution crisis by making water companies responsible
Tom Burke sets out the battle-lines in the conflict over the planet’s future – between policy and politics, cooperation and competition, young and old, freedom to and freedom from
Curtailing excess production and waste could help save the planet and create more equitable societies, says Thomas Perrett
Environmentalist Tom Burke considers why undermining the democratic rule of law would be destructive for the environment and all who want to protect it
Rupert Read and Joseph Eastoe consider the limits of Extinction Rebellion’s radical growth and outline why organisations with greater public appeal, capable of putting significant pressure on politicians, are now needed to capitalise on its success
Conservative MP Steve Baker, known for his hard Brexit campaigning, has joined the controversial climate sceptic group led by former Chancellor Lord Lawson. Ben Gelblum reports.
Rupert Read analyses how Brexit could be implemented in an eco-friendly way
The coffers of a senior Conservative MP have been boosted by a company owned by a man who has questioned climate change, Sam Bright reveals
CJ Werleman reports on calls for a royal commission into News Corp in Australia, following James Murdoch’s comments that his father’s media empire ‘legitimises disinformation’
Following his arrest at a recent Extinction Rebellion protest, Rupert Read sets out his new ‘David versus Goliath’ campaign for change by example
Steve Tooze, a former newspaper journalist, explains why he took part in Extinction Rebellion’s recent blockade of newspaper print works
Stephen Colegrave considers the importance and potential outcome of the Climate Assembly UK report published today
While the UN continues to highlight the urgent need to tackle climate change, the British Government continues to vilify activists argues Stuart Spray
CJ Werleman considers how alarming environmental developments have been sidelined again as the world deals with the Coronavirus crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has briefly cut global emissions, but could countries around the world simply return to business as usual in their attempts to repair the economic, political and social consequences of the virus once it has eased?
Mat Hope and Zak Derler from DeSmog expose how the groups trying to undermine environmental action are also most likely to call the global pandemic a hoax.
Mat Hope explains how the dark money-funded US alt-right is using a German teenager to advance more misinformation about the climate emergency.
CJ Werleman argues that governments which refuse to take action to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions are participants to violence.
Murdoch-owned tabloids control nearly 70% of Australia’s newspapers – providing the country’s right-wing political establishment with the space to deny the consequences of climate change.
Danielle Celermajer calls for accountability for the destruction unfolding in Australia – a crime against humanity she believes is akin to genocide.
With more concerning climate emergencies unfolding in the past week in Australia and Greenland, CJ Werleman asks: what will it take for people to wake-up to reality?
New analysis by DeSmog reveals the Prime Minister as the Conservative MP who has received the most donations from individuals and companies actively lobbying against action on climate change.
Why do irrefutable scientific data and observable changes in climate patterns still not compel the US to take action on climate change?
CJ Werleman on why The Conversation’s decision to ban climate change sceptics from its site is a move which must be followed by other media outlets.
CJ Werleman on the psychological effects of climate change, its deniers and why younger generations are right to be so disturbed by the future planet that awaits them.
Iggy Ostanin’s forensic work tracks early Russian hacking and interference in the climate change debate, which had an immediate effect on Donald Trump.