Byline Times leads the way in exposing the anti-democratic influence of the Kremlin over the affairs of other nations
With all eyes on the Ukraine and Belarus, Moscow is quietly turning its attention to Bosnia-Herzegovina, reports CJ Werleman
In the light of revelations that Prince Andrew was funded by a major Conservative donor and the Banque Havilland, Turlough Conway explores the connection with another major political donor Dmytro Firtash
Nikola Mikovic explains how the weaponisation of refugees by the Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko is a serious new escalation in the conflicts between the EU and Russia over recognition, energy supplies and the frozen war in Ukraine
John Sweeney assesses the relationship between the British Prime Minister and the newspaper baron Lord Lebedev, in the light of an Italian intelligence report about his father
From his experience of the propaganda wars around the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, Paul Niland dissects the document released by Donald Trump’s former lawyer
Jonathan Fenton-Harvey reports on how a sham election with Russian and Iranian support is creating a failed state in Syria
Nikola Mikovic reports on how the West’s reaction to a new wave of suppression in Belarus could drive it closer to Putin and the Kremlin
Heidi Siegmund Cuda explains the background to the search warrants executed on Rudy Giuliani
Wendy Siegelman looks at new evidence about the US polling data handed to Russian agent Konstantin Kilimnik, and the role of the now-defunct election campaign company co-founded by Steve Bannon
Zarina Zabrisky catalogues the rising suppression and prosecution of Navalny’s relatives, opposition lawyers, activists and journalists across Russia in the last few weeks
Nikola Mikovic analyses the military build-up in Eastern Ukraine as tensions mount again between Kyiv and Moscow
Zarina Zabrisky talks to Russian cyber warfare and security experts Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan about the Kremlin’s evolving information warfare
The Russian threat has not dissipated now that Donald Trump has left the White House, says Paul Niland
John Sweeney reflects on the bravery of the Russian opposition leader, poisoned by Putin, who has returned to face his tormentors
Robert Waldeck reveals how the shadow of the Republican Party’s disinformation campaign darkens the new President’s choice for the Department of Justice
After many bloody battles Armenia has lost its war with Azerbaijan, now the country is grappling with where to go from here. Tom Mutch reports from the country’s capital
As the US remains preoccupied with the presidential elections, Nikola Mikovic reports on how Russia appears to be resolving the conflict over the Armenian enclave
Kseniya Kirillova reports on how the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan shows Putin’s weaknesses in the ‘Post Soviet’ space
Nikola Mikovic reports on the third domino to fall among Putin’s allies and questions around the Kremlin’s ability to influence its neighbours
Kseniya Kirollova reports on the death of Irina Slavina, editor of the best known independent newspaper in the Volga region of Russia
Stephen Komarnyckj on reports US Intelligence services are suppressing evidence that the US President is still colluding with Putin’s influence operations
Nikola Mikovic reports on the intensification of violence between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as foreign superpowers wait in the wings
With support from the Far Right, and distrust of NATO and the US from the left, Tom Miles explains why Russian interference is not the issue in France it is in the UK
Paul Niland explores the evidence that, with the help of the US President, Ukrainian’s state-owned oil and gas company could be an important asset in Russia’s hybrid warfare
Sarah Hurst reports on two Irish MEPs who regularly appear on Russian sponsored media to defend Putin’s imperialist policies
Ukrainian journalist Stanislav Asyev explains why choosing life over death was so important during his horrific 962 days imprisoned by the Kremlin-backed statelet
Nikola Mikovic assesses the chances Putin will intervene militarily in his turbulent neighbour given the dangerous precedent of Ukraine
Zarina Zabrisky talks to Artyom Kruglov, an independent investigative journalist and Putin biographer, about the Russian President’s background
John Sweeney investigates the Russian newspaper proprietor who parties with the Prime Minister and the change in security clearance that enabled his ennoblement
With Parliament’s Russia Report exposing Putin’s covert operations in the UK, Iggy Ostantin looks at new Kremlin connections to the MI6 money-laundering expert found dead in his Pimlico flat in 2010
In the wake of a popular uprising against President Lukashenko, Steven Komarnyckyj looks at the important differences with the overthrow of Ukrainian President Yanukovych in 2014
Sarah Hurst analyses the signs that the Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is panicking in the face of public opposition
Russia’s foreign policy seems based on nihilism according to Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee but Misha Glenny argues that Putin is much shrewder than that
In the most dynamic and interesting election in the past 26 years, Nikola Mikovic analyses why President Lukashenko is playing the Russian Interference card
Sarah Hurst reports on how every major party, with the exception of Boris Johnson’s Conservatives, has changed their stance on Kremlin intervention
John Lubbock looks at the new ways divisive racial messages which seek to divide minority groups in the US could be amplified by agents of the Russian state
With the Labour Opposition calling for RT’s license to be revoked, John Sweeney investigates whether the Government minister responsible has a conflict of interest
Steve Komarnyckyj argues that the Russia Report has downplayed the evidence of Christopher Steele and ignored important leaks about the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine
After the revelation of the UK Parliament’s Russia Report, Kseniya Kirillova reports on Putin’s new disinformation operation to defend its existing ones