With the UK faltering out of lockdown, former MP Paul Farrelly looks at searching questions the Government faces over trust and competence as it rolls out its home-grown COVID-19 Tracker App.
CJ Werleman explores the Tesla CEO’s contribution to discussions around the Coronavirus crisis and why his need for personal recognition in such times is dangerous.
David Hencke explores COVID-19 contracts worth £8m handed out by the UK Government for its controversial centralisation of personal data.
Dr John Ashton, a former director of public health, provides his regular update on the UK’s Government’s Coronavirus response and the need for real local testing and tracing.
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how concerns around privacy and trust in the UK Government’s centralised COVID-19 tracing system are matched by doubts about its effectiveness.
Jacopo Iacoboni of La Stampa reports on how concerns about anonymisation, data sharing and procurement haunt Italy’s COVID19 tracking app.
Steve Shaw reports on how concerns are already being raised about the introduction of new intrusive surveillance regimes being installed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Campaigners warn that it would be short-sighted for governments to allow efforts to save lives in the COVID-19 outbreak to destroy fundamental rights in societies.
Jon Bailes looks at why even video games – as fantasies – can’t seem to consciously address the antagonisms of our political, economic and social lives.
Former Labour MP Ian Lucas explains why we still need answers on electoral wrongdoing and data antics during the EU Referendum.
How technology is being used for dark purposes, but is also helping to expose persecution.
Though writing sensationalised news about Wikipedia is a profitable occupation, John Lubbock argues that we all must make a stand against disinformation.
Tamsin Shaw explains how anti-market Russian oligarchy has spread to the US, and that Big Tech may be the prime beneficiary.