The digital start-up given £3 million to help run Coronavirus communications has hired a member of Tory party royalty as its managing director, Sam Bright reveals
Sam Bright and Greg Miskiw dig into dystopian lanyard flaunted by Boris Johnson’s chief advisor
Stalked by a shadowy, faceless entity, David Clark thought the Government’s attempts to contact him were a hoax
David Hencke reports on the Home Office’s plans to change its immigration status system and fresh insights about the ‘Whitehall Revolution’ being masterminded by the Prime Minister’s chief advisor
The chair of Ofqual didn’t follow his own advice on how algorithms can reinforce discrimination because of “biases in underlying datasets”
Amid its attempts to centralise Government data, Michael Gove’s department is exposed to cyber security incidents, Sam Bright reports
Duncan Campbell reports on the haul of guns, drugs, and money by Operation Venetic, but also potential legal problems over the hacked data
David Hencke reports on the extension of a new contract system by Michael Gove’s office which avoids publication of early bids from tech companies
Faculty AI, an artificial intelligence company employed by Dominic Cummings during the Brexit campaign, is being marketed to foreign countries as an antidote to fake news
John Lubbock looks beyond the hype at Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock’s enthusiasm for health services based on artificial intelligence
James Wallbank explores how Systems Thinking can help the public to understand the methods of the Prime Minister and his chief advisor –and why they must not be mistaken for buffoons
David Hencke explores the implications of one of the most extraordinary Government power grabs he has seen as a political reporter
Sam Bright tracks the global expansion of data mining company Palantir during the Coronavirus pandemic
Sam Bright tracks the rise of Topham Guerin, the New Zealand ‘propaganda pair’ in charge of the UK Government’s online Coronavirus communications
A French-owned company is in bed with both Huawei and the Foreign Office, reports Sam Bright
COVID-19 is accelerating the attempts of big tech companies to harvest our data, writes Tanya O’Carroll.
With mounting scandals and inconsistencies over the Government’s handling of COVID-19, Stephen Colegrave and Peter Jukes have compiled a list of its biggest falsehoods so far
The third part of Nafeez Ahmed’s investigation shows how public health was sacrificed to ideology as the lockdown was eased
With lockdown restrictions being eased, how can people make ‘common sense’ decisions around the Coronavirus risk in their area if accurate data is being kept from them?
Paul Dempsey shows how ‘big data’ cannot replace ‘no data’ and that the UK’s centralised plan to combat the Coronavirus was flawed at the outset
David Hencke reports on how much money has been wasted on the Government’s NHSX tracing app, which it has now ditched to follow one being used by other countries for some time
David Hencke reports on how the scandal-hit No. 10 chief advisor has already begun his long-term promise to use Big Tech models to disrupt the British state.
The track record of the Prime Minister’s chief advisor – under fire for breaking lockdown rules – has proved him to be anything but transparent, writes Iain Overton.
Stephen Delahunty reports on concerns about credit agencies being used by health bodies when processing patient data.
David Hencke reports on revelations from the National Audit Office over massive IT spending and the unaccountable role of NHSX.
Nafeez Ahmed explores the troubling implications and assumptions of the Government’s AI-driven gene programme
The first part of Nafeez Ahmed’s major investigation into the money, men and motivation behind a massive move into medical data.