Significant amounts of public money have been invested in the company, yet the Government hasn’t declared any conflicts of interest, reveals Sam Bright
With emails, text messages and WhatsApp groups now a dominant feature of all our lives, John Mitchinson considers the enduring qualities of a more humble form of social communication
Professor David Carroll reflects on the “colonialist, aristocratic, and oligarchic” assumptions of the campaigning firm involved in Trump and Brexit
Kiki Woods explores the potential flaws in plans for digital ID systems based on the supposed safe storage of our most sensitive data
Maheen Behrana argues that the off-world delusions of technocratic billionaires show how keen they are to dominate humankind or escape it
The collection of medical information proposed by the Health and Social Care Secretary could have vast consequences, despite limited oversight, reports David Hencke
Robin Burgess, who witnessed the chaos of the ‘’ scheme eight years ago, sees the same lack of consent, trust and engagement in its most recent incarnation
Phil Booth explains why we should be worried about the Government’s attempt to quietly share our GP data
Phil Booth sets out how people can protect their privacy following NHS Digital’s announcement that patients’ GP data will be shared
From Leveson to Brexit, phone-hacking to Cambridge Analytica, Peter Jukes sees a consistent theme – parties on the run from the rule of law. And how Dominic Cummings could end the cycle of corruption
Wendy Siegelman looks at new evidence about the US polling data handed to Russian agent Konstantin Kilimnik, and the role of the now-defunct election campaign company co-founded by Steve Bannon
Lawyers acting for the NHS have conceded it cannot offer companies such as Palantir a long-term NHS role without consulting the public
David Hencke reports on the new biosecurity agency tasked to build the largest diagnostic network in British history
Laila Mickelwait says that the company allowed content featuring child sexual abuse and trafficking – and wants executives to be held to account
Martin Baker explores how the Coronavirus pandemic has hastened the rise and demise of digital and physical currencies