Christiana Spens looks at the financial pressures and potential lobbying from property developers that could be driving the UK Government’s Coronavirus response
Monica Piccinini reports on the relentless felling of forest habitats by Brazilian big business and Government
With the UK officially now in recession, and carrying the worst COVID-19 death rate per million, Mike Buckley argues that the rot set into the British state years ago
With more than $10 trillion of investment planned around the world in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Stephen Colegrave considers whether this money can be used to halt climate change
CJ Werleman reports on new outbreaks in Melbourne, which have led to a spike of new Coronavirus cases and reversed the grip the country had successfully established over COVID-19
Mike Buckley argues that the UK may have the freedom Brexiters promised, but no idea what is in its best economic interests
CJ Werleman explores the economic and social consequences of the US Government’s mismanagement of the Coronavirus crisis for the next President
Sam Bright highlights new data showing that industrial heartlands are suffering disproportionately from the Coronavirus pandemic
The third part of Nafeez Ahmed’s investigation shows how public health was sacrificed to ideology as the lockdown was eased
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how the outside pressure weighed on SAGE to prioritise ‘supply chains’, the ‘wider economy’, ‘workforce’ and ‘business’
After a comprehensive investigation into five months of SAGE documents Nafeez Ahmed arrives at some shocking findings
The Prime Minister has made a miscalculation in his plans for an economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis which is entirely focused on England, writes Gareth Roberts
With a historic depression looming and millions of jobs at risk, Mike Buckley argues that now is the time to do more than echo the words of the President who rescued the US from the Great Depression
Adrian Goldberg speaks to business owners who say their attempts to secure a Bounce Back Loan from the bank during the Coronavirus crisis has only added to their problems
Boris Johnson won an election on the promise of a deal with the EU that would be ready to go – he should stick to his word, argues Mike Buckley
Molly Scott Cato detects a pattern in the multiple failures of the UK Government to get to grips with the Coronavirus pandemic
Rupert Read and Tara Greaves on recent ONS figures that prove the much-hyped Oxford Model based on Coronavirus immunity was based on false premises
With pro-democracy protests recommencing in Hong Kong, the Financial Times’ former Asia Editor explores what China’s motives are towards the former British colony and the West.
Reverend Joe Haward explores how the political narrative of struggle and fear, enforced through market-driven ideology, needs to be replaced with one placing humanity at the centre again.
Ben Lewis looks at the dire economic impact of COVID-19 and dismisses fears about an excessive Government fiscal and monetary stimulus.
Despite Donald Trump making it central to his presidency, the success of the stock market bears no connection to the lives of nearly 90% of American citizens.
Mike Buckley gives his take on what the Labour Party now needs to think about in terms of identity, class and the Coronavirus crisis.
Jonathan Portes, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at King’s College London, explains why we don’t need to turn a health crisis into an economic depression.
CJ Werleman considers the impact of the Coronavirus on tourism and how this may be one crisis too many for Bali to recover from.
Mike Buckley considers the disadvantages of the Government schemes announced to support the employed and self-employed and whether a universal basic income might be the way forward.
Gareth Roberts argues that the Chancellor must not revert to type after the COVID-19 pandemic eases and preside over the continued under-funding of public services.
Stephen Colegrave on why using austerity to justify the right-wing claim that the ‘cure is worse than the disease’ is so damaging in the fight against the Coronavirus.
Otto English reports on how the COVID-19 outbreak has revealed the worst of corporate greed, as employees are left without their salaries being paid and are told to rely on Government support.
The lives of Americans are being put in grave danger because of the President’s incompetence, misinformation and narcissism, says CJ Werleman.
In the third part of his investigation, Nafeez Ahmed reveals how laissez-faire attitudes have hampered a proper response to the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK.
Nafeez Ahmed on evidence that Boris Johnson’s Government was more focused on saving money than lives when it came to issues such as school closures.
Mike Buckley provides an analysis of why he believes the Government’s first budget – and the pressures of the Coronavirus outbreak – will be unable to satisfy its new Red Wall Conservative voters.
Stephen Delahunty reports on why the Chancellor’s £330 billion rescue package for businesses won’t be enough to stop the hospitality industry from going under due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Stephen Colegrave investigates whether the new UK Government support package is going to help the working population or just prop up big business.
Mike Buckley sets out the Government’s strategy towards the COVID-19 outbreak so far and explores why its handling of it already raises much bigger questions about the country’s governance – concerns which have been there all along.
The COVID-19 outbreak is causing significant concern for the global economy and individual households.
Iwan Doherty and Stephen Colegrave look at how the huge growth in gambling activity and revenue has grave consequences for society.
As Boris Johnson plans controversial Free Trade Zones, Mark Conrad reports on how UN Sustainable Development Goals are at risk due to the expansion of trade fraud.