McDonalds joins restaurants, farmers and the meat processing industry with concerns that ‘reduced access to overseas labour would present a challenge to our business,’ reports Sian Norris
The UK’s economic future is less certain than it has been at any time since the 2008 financial crisis, says Mike Buckley
Maheen Behrana explains how Britain has longer working hours than any EU country and why the Conservative Party is so rigidly wedded to keeping it that way
Sam Bright summarises the key issues with the UK’s attempts to forge new economic alliances after leaving the world’s largest trading bloc
Protestors are facing physical and sexual violence amid police crackdowns of anti-Government dissent, reports Nadja Sieniawski
Jonathan Portes examines the real forces at play, which will require addressing, as part of the Prime Minister’s flagship policy for his new ‘Red Wall’ constituencies
As we calculate Labour’s electoral losses, we need to look at the uneven impact of spending cuts over the last decade, says Sian Norris
In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, a local investment model has taken on added significance, reports Taj Ali
The recent history of the beautiful game has been defined by destructive greed, and the proposed European Super League is yet another example, says Adrian Goldberg
The country has been plunged into crisis since the blast, reports Jonathan Fenton-Harvey
Mike Buckley reports on how the decisions of other governments to provide more comprehensive support to businesses during the pandemic will likely put their economies in a much stronger position than the UK’s
The widespread panic about schooling during the pandemic reveals the rotten assumptions that underpin our education system, says Chris Bagley
As news emerges that the Test and Trace programme budgeted for £438 million to be spent on management consultants, Matthew Gwyther delves into the inner workings of the industry
Austerity failed Britain during the COVID-19 crisis, but the Government has not yet signalled a bold new vision for the UK’s economy, says Jonathan Portes
The council has committed to producing a dedicated financial report for the first time since the disaster, as many survivors and the bereaved say that funds have been squandered
Martin Baker explores how the Coronavirus pandemic has hastened the rise and demise of digital and physical currencies
Henry Anderson delves into Farage’s financial newsletter, revealing its ties to an EU-based company and fake health news
Mike Buckley assesses how the Chancellor is making an economic and political error by continuing to not provide support for company directors, representing 900,000 businesses
The Chancellor is asking the UK to foot the bill for his monumental mistakes, argues Sam Bright
David Barker unpicks the Chancellor’s claims that public sector cuts benefitted Britain during the pandemic
Martin Baker sets the scene of a cryptocurrency revolution led by the surge in the price of Bitcoin
Jonathan Portes explores how the Government’s offer of a home to those being politically repressed in the former British colony could mark a shift in the UK’s economy and immigration debate
The British bank’s bosses struggled to defend its record of being complicit in China’s crackdown in Hong Kong, reports Steve Shaw
Richard Barfield explains the deluge of restrictions and regulations that have been saddled on firms after the UK’s departure from the EU
Mike Buckley highlights one forgotten group which the Chancellor has not offered support to during the Coronavirus crisis, but which will be key to the UK’s economic recovery
A year into the Coronavirus pandemic, Jonathan Portes checks what he got right about its impact and what he got wrong
Stephen Delahunty and David Hencke report on the changed rules stifling UK imports and exports in red tape
Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House in January will expose the Republican Party’s hypocrisy and duplicity as it turns its gaze to economic concerns for partisan gain once more, says CJ Werleman
Steve Shaw reports on the loans that connect British banks to a telecommunications firm that provides money for Myanmar’s military, which has been accused of genocide
The incoming presidential administration faces grave economic challenges ahead that could spell the end of the dollar’s global dominance, argues James Meadway
A new report by the Public Accounts Committee sheds light on the Government’s Bounce Back Loan Scheme, with applicants self-certifying and not subject to credit checks
The British bank froze the accounts of people involved in Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy as leading activists are convicted of their roles in mass protests
Heidi Siegmund Cuda talks to veteran tax investigator Martin Sheil about how much the incoming Biden administration could do by enforcing existing laws
James Meadway assesses the political and economic pressures facing Chancellor Rishi Sunak ahead of tomorrow’s Spending Review
A new report by the National Audit Office reveals that the Government is launching an inquiry and considering ‘naming and shaming’ the employers involved
By curtailing the furlough scheme, Rishi Sunak has undermined the trust on which Coronavirus restrictions operate, argues Sam Bright
Monica Piccinini reveals the hypocrisy of the financial institutions that are enabling the destruction of the Amazon rainforest
After years of underfunding, local governments are being tipped over the edge by centralised COVID-19 incompetence, argues former council accountant Gary Gowers
In the global response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Anthony Barnett sees an epoch-defining moment as governments are forced to put people’s health and wellbeing before market fundamentalism
A new report has crystallised concerns that Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Coronavirus loan scheme left the taxpayer exposed to fraud
Jonathan Portes argues that the Government’s EU negotiations and Coronavirus measures are actually drawing the UK deeper into the European mainstream