The lax management of the UK companies register allows fake businesses to proliferate
A new parliamentary report reveals that, apart from the £16.4 billion estimated tax and benefit fraud found by the National Audit Office last year, ministers have no idea about the level of fraud in the rest of government
The collapsing school buildings scandal has exposed how the Government failed to ‘fix the roof while the sun was shining’
Sunak’s Government is throwing out plans to get dirty money out of the UK
The pandemic has revolutionised how an entire generation see work, education and society
Matt Bernardini reveals the Russian-linked Fintech companies that continue to operate from the UK, despite being sanctioned elsewhere for their ties to the country
There have been growing concerns among regulators about the potential misuse of sustainability-linked loans
Just one in nine local council audits are now conducted on time – which researchers blame on a privatised system
A report by the Commons’ Public Accounts Committee says more should be done to help young adults trace their funds
There is a stark contrast in the response to the closure of Nigel Farage’s Coutts account – and bank account closures of progressive organisations in 2015
A heavily-staged ‘PM Connect’ event did little to dispel impressions that Britain’s PM is deeply out of touch with voters
Mary Davenport (centre right), a former apprentice forced to drop out due to financial struggles, is speaking up about rock-bottom pay
We could be working 15-hour weeks, enjoying our free time, and living like people of the future. Matt Gallagher asks: Why aren’t we?
HMRC contributed enormously to the rise in fraud after the then Chancellor approved tens of billions to be spent on pandemic support schemes
Despite the controversy, the French President’s economic proposals are far from the ‘Anglo Saxon’ model. Barnaby Towns argues that, when it comes to addressing inequality, the UK could learn from them
Analysis for Byline Times reveals charity sector employees are themselves being pushed into poverty pay, Nic Murray reports. But staff are fighting back
Anthony Yates looks at Rishi Sunak’s promises over inflation which might help him cynically suppress public pay demands but do nothing to address the roots of our economic malaise
Prolonged inaction on climate change has left those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder exposed to the fluctuations of an unpredictable global market, writes Thomas Perrett
BlackRock said it attended a meeting at the request of the Government to form a relationship with Nadhim Zahawi Nadhim Zahawi spent part of his last week as Chancellor seeking advice and “continued support” from the world’s largest asset manager on the Financial Services and Markets Bill and a number of other UK issues, Byline…
With inflation up, growth down, and 80% of Britons unsatisfied with the political system, Matthew Gwyther explores a catastrophic loss of faith in our economic system
Rishi Sunak’s new list of green announcements merely shows how far the UK has fallen behind other nations on reaching Net Zero, reports Thomas Perrett
Research shows rising finances are really impacting this group, but what support is available?
In the light of banking failures, Anthony Yates looks at how a plan for central bank digital currencies to protect depositors overlooks the key function of the financial sector – credit
The Labour leader is missing a once in a generation chance to set out much-needed radical reforms for a broken nation, argues his former advisor Simon Fletcher
Buried in the Chancellor’s Statement is news the UK will suffer a sustained period of low growth, high taxes and a record-breaking fall in living standards, reports Adam Bienkov
Six years after the Brexit referendum, the amount of money lodged in British tax havens has reached mind-blowing levels. Florence Autret explains why
There is an historic opportunity for a progressive sea-change to reset today’s productivity sapping and inequality driving economic model, writes Stewart Lansley
When questioned, a spokesperson for Richard Sharp referred Byline Times to the Bank of England
Transparency campaigners and victims of banking bad behaviour have raised concerns that strict eligibility criteria of the available resolution service is cutting them off from support, reports Sian Norris
Victory for Ukraine is not just about defeating Russia but avoiding the path Putin’s country has taken with its economy, write Gerhard Schnyder and Simon Deakin
Three years on from Britain’s exit from the EU, the deep impact on our economy and national standing is now undeniable, writes Adam Bienkov
The Financial Services and Markets Bill risks wrecking the UK’s commitment to net zero, writes Thomas Perrett
The NHS is being burdened by the scale of Britain’s health inequalities, reports Sam Bright
The Conservatives are gearing up for a ‘Big Bang 2’ deregulation of the City. At what cost?
New data shows the number of people going without food has increased by 100% since before the pandemic, with health outcomes for the poorest households worsening
Now the gap between the lowest and highest paid in the UK is one of the highest in the OECD, Iain Overton looks at the role of public sector pay in widening the disparities
Big energy companies are piling money into increasingly inefficient oil and gas investments, reports Thomas Perrett
If you want to know what happens next in the UK, you’d be better off flipping a coin than listening to most political pundits, argues Adam Bienkov
There’s a reason Dickens’ Christmas Carol is a perennial festive favourite, says A V Deggar – the Malthusian ideas of Scrooge are still with us
Bankers have contributed a-third of the party’s income over recent months, amid plans to remove the cap on their bonuses, reports Sam Bright
Now the Conservative Party’s reputation for economic competence has cratered, Matthew Gwyther sees businesses getting increasingly politicised
Sam Bright reports on the Conservative Party’s enduring alliance with the libertarian lobbying groups that ‘crashed the economy’