CJ Werleman on why the President’s awarding of the Medal of Freedom to the right-wing ideologue Rush Limbaugh is indicative of his entire approach to changing America’s political culture.
CJ Werleman on how mob violence against those protesting the Indian Government’s anti-Muslim citizenship laws is taking its cue from state violence dished out by the police and influenced by politicians.
CJ Werleman on why the tropes of Orientalism are at play towards Chinese people over health concerns, in the same way that Muslims are targeted through the ‘War on Terror’.
CJ Werleman examines the role of western businesses in China’s persecution of its Muslim minority.
CJ Werleman reports on new details emerging from China about the targeting of its Muslim minority for body organs sold on to Saudia Arabia.
Israel has branded the ICC as “anti-Semitic” after the court announced that it believes it has the basis to probe its crimes.
Murdoch-owned tabloids control nearly 70% of Australia’s newspapers – providing the country’s right-wing political establishment with the space to deny the consequences of climate change.
CJ Werleman on why the US President will keep targeting Muslims and step up his attacks on Islam as his begins his 2020 re-election campaign.
CJ Werleman considers whether the Modi Government’s crackdown on Muslims is indicative of India never having been a liberal democracy in the first place.
A media dominated by Rupert Murdoch and big mining political interests are leading Australia to a climate catastrophe
With more concerning climate emergencies unfolding in the past week in Australia and Greenland, CJ Werleman asks: what will it take for people to wake-up to reality?
How the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in the 2019 General Election fits within a wider global shift to the right.
The International Olympic Committee must learn from its mistake in proceeding with the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, says CJ Werleman.
CJ Werleman dissects a new poll showing that 39% of white evangelicals and 54% of white protestants believe the US President to be God’s chosen representative on Earth.
Continuing his reports on the atrocities in western China, CJ Werleman documents more of Beijing’s crimes against humanity.
When anti-Muslim rhetoric is combined with the rewarding of war crimes against Muslims, the consequences are grave – not only for Muslim Americans but the US military, CJ Werleman argues.
CJ Werleman speaks to two Uyghur activists living in the US whose family members were used to deceive the world about China’s treatment of the Muslim minority.
CJ Werleman explains how the Hong Kong protestors are being mobilised through fear that China’s Uighur concentration camps represent the future awaiting the island.
CJ Werleman explores why the UK has failed to condemn the murders and violence in the occupied Palestinian territories.
The US has spent more than $2.5 trillion on prohibition despite there being no empirical data to support its supply-side focused policy, writes CJ Werleman.
CJ Werleman on more worrying developments in the US, where President Donald Trump is spinning his potential impeachment into a ‘coup’ which will require retaliation.
Why do irrefutable scientific data and observable changes in climate patterns still not compel the US to take action on climate change?
CJ Werleman examines the damaging and inaccurate narrative propagated by the UK’s tabloids: “Why won’t Muslims condemn terrorism?”
CJ Werleman argues that the President has given new life to the terrorist group by defying the Pentagon and his national security experts and withdrawing US troops from north-eastern Syria.
CJ Werleman unpicks the hypocrisy of evangelicals’ support for Donald Trump, who has exhibited more than a few un-Christian traits.
CJ Werleman examines how Australia’s mainstream news media is feeding white nationalist extremist views into normal political discourse and how those in power are reluctant to do anything about such terrorism.
CJ Werleman argues that the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s genocide against ethnic Somali Muslims in Ogaden should have been taken into account by those awarding him the international peace prize.
CJ Werleman pens an open letter to those who remain stubbornly loyal to Donald Trump, despite measurably worsening economic conditions in the US.
CJ Werleman on how women are weaponised in racist myths as victims of Muslims, with the result more women are subject to racist attacks.
Shocking revelations from 8,000 pages of transcripts of Gabbard’s spiritual guru reveals racism in the sect at the centre of her life and her 2020 presidential campaign.
CJ Werleman talks to Bilal Abdul Kareem, a Muslim American citizen who is a constant target of unexplained extrajudicial murder.
CJ Werleman on why The Conversation’s decision to ban climate change sceptics from its site is a move which must be followed by other media outlets.
CJ Werleman is in danger of burning his ‘Rattle and Hum’ Tour T-Shirt after the Irish band’s recent announcement that its recent tour will end in Modi’s India.
Why the world’s waning interest in the violations occurring in Kashmir at the hands of Narendra Modi are so dangerous for its eight million Muslims.
While the UAE’s mistreatment of migrant labourers is well documented, CJ Werleman shines a spotlight on the abuse being perpetrated against other visitors to the Emirate.
By accusing Palestinian Israeli voters of trying to steal next week’s election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking a tip out of the Donald Trump playbook
The stubborn loyalty white evangelical Christians have shown the US President – despite his moral transgressions – raises questions.
Anti-Muslim animus within the ranks of India and China’s security forces remains extreme, so how can they be called upon to protect the Muslim minority exiled from Myanmar?
As well as its aggression in Kashmir, India has been rounding up and detaining Muslims in Assam since 2016 – but what’s to stop it doing so?
Those handed responsibility for saving our planet are determined to terrorise us into extinction so that their super-rich backers can become ever richer.